Chapter 34

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Love you in the dark by Adele

Love you in the dark by Adele

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Watching me for months. Walking me home for months.

Not a word uttered. Not a single protest. Not a single huff of frustration.

And he thinks he has the right to scare me like that? To not be there the one day I need him?

The one day everything just gets too much? Then appear as if he didn't just give me a heart attack?

Seeing him be there for me, give me space, scare off my dates and bring me drinks, waiting in the cold for me, not matter the weather and walking me home.

These little actions of apology of his are melting me. They hurt me because his eyes look broken each time I have seen them. They are waiting. Longing for me.

And I have given myself pep talks before walking outside of that gym. Each day looking forward to ending my class only to find him standing there and a sigh of relief escapes my lips.

Each and every day.

I got so used to it that when I came running out the day everything got too much, I wanted him there and he wasn't.

I hoped he didn't give up after I made him wait for so long.

In these months, I had been receiving news about Sasha. I may not ever step foot into that city again but I know I want to see her. She has recovered and she has been talking to me.

Chatting away like her normal self.

I was happy. So happy for her.

Until she told me she didn't want to stay. She chose Fabian, who has given her everything and been there for her, tending to her and despite being the quiet brooding person, he looked after her.

Then she asked me about Arius. I couldn't lie to her.

She called me an idiot. A stupid idiot who deserved a slap to her face.

She told me how much of a stupid fool I had been ignoring Arius when men don't bother at all. She told me that the dates Arius scared off weren't brave enough to like me enough to go against him.

That I surely won't find anyone that treats me the way he did. Sure, Arius lied about his identity and career but I didn't even hear him out.

That's the worst part.

I only ever saw one side of the story and held onto it because everyone had betrayed me. The person I trusted the most turned out to be the one that had plunged knives in my back and finding out about Arius at my lowest point had brought me to my breaking point.

It got so much that I was going crazy thinking about it all.

I was done.

So I cowered away. I took a step back and things chipped away from me.

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