Kai Embrose

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I smiled, we've been in here two hours and she couldn't chose what she wanted.

She smelt almost everything about three times and I sat on the floor, watching her scramble.

I stood, walking to her.

"Angel." I caught her arms and she looked at me.

"The store isn't leaving anytime soon. We can come back and try something new. Grab a perfume, a bodywash, and a candle. Come on." I smiled and she sighed.

"It's so difficult." She frowned.

I helped her, telling her my opinion and she bought my favorite one.

It smelt like a shortcake and she got the matching body wash. I quickly grabbed the lotion too, putting it in the basket while she chose a candle.

"I'm keeping this for your room when we sell the house if that's alright." I said and she nodded.

She glared at me when she saw the lotion as I paid.

"What?" I took the bag and began walking out.

"You've done enough. That's not fair-"

"Be quiet please." I said and she did, a smile on my face at her silent frustration.

I put it in my trunk with the other things.

I began driving back.

"Can you not-"

"Shh." I whispered, putting my finger to my lips.

She huffed, staring out the window.

She saw the price, she only wanted me to buy cheap things but I bought what would be best.

And a little more but shopping for girls is so fun.


She looked at me.

"Cupcake time." I said and she laughed.

I brought the things into my house, setting the bathroom stuff if the guest room shower.

She brought the cupcakes over and I smiled.

"Okay. Sit." I pointed to my couch and she did.

I moved to my kitchen, cutting one in half and filling a glass with water.

I walked to the couch and handed her it.

"All of the shower stuff is here, don't use your money for electricity or water there, I have an idea but I'm not telling you." I raised my eyebrows.

"Mean. But okay. Th-"

I laughed as she stopped herself.

"Eat it." I nodded and she took a bite.

"Don't be mad." She said.

I froze.

"It's too sweet." She whispered.

"That's fine, but now you can say that you had it." I smiled.

"True." She nodded.

She sipped on the water, I stood, tossing the half out and quickly eating the other half.

I checked the time and it was a bit past 6. I had began her makeup at 2, got to the store and debated smells and prices a while, maybe about 4? Then two fucking hours in a perfume store.

"Kai?" She came behind me and I turned.

"Can I shower? You can show me a movie after." She said.

"Go ahead, I'll bring you some clothes. I hung a new curtain and inner cover. Everything is on the floor, I can grab your makeup wipes." I told her and she smiled.

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