Kai Embrose

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"I missed you so much." I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tightly.

It was hard. It was really hard.

I'd hear her cry at night when she studied but she would never show or tell me.

I cried. A lot. Not even cause of school.

I had something, someone to hold. We were both smashed with work and we talked it out so no one took anything personal but it was hard.

Sometimes after the long ass study sessions I just wanted to feel her body bare to mine.

But I had her back, I had her and school was done.

She turned, wrapping her arms around me.

I took a deep breath.

It was clear my love language was physical touch. Ironically since I hate being touched, people are nasty but she was my person. I just needed her by my side.

"Fridge love." She leaned up, kissing the bottom of my chin and I reluctantly let her go, looking to see a tropical juice with black things.

"Boba?" I asked.

"It's so good!" She smiled and I laughed, grabbing it with the chunky straw and trying it.

"That is really good." I nodded, sitting at the table.

"If you ever go it's the fruit tea." She handed me a plate of small jalapeño poppers.

"Thank you. Sit with me." I scooted out of the table.

She sat on my lap, her plate by mine.

She ate one, making funny breathing sounds since it was hot and I dragged my nose along her neck.

I kissed her neck, not even for any sexual thing I literally just wanted the taste of her in my mouth and the smell of her in my nose, I wanted my hands to feel every part of her I'd been yearning to have.

In reality I cared nothing for school ever.

But the day she told me she wanted so badly to graduate with the best GPA she could and she'd work for it, I knew I wanted to aspire the same thing.

I'd never worked so hard but she was my motivation.

I still made time to always mark her weight and now she was a size 4 in jeans, medium in bathing suit bottoms because her ass got pretty big.

Sexy as fuck.

And large or medium in a top because her boobs settled at a D cup.

She loved her rolls and the day she got 2 just like she wanted I marked it down but I kissed them and she thought it was the most romantic thing ever.

I held the other side of her neck, kissing her jaw and cheek.

"Kai. Eat your food. I made it with love." She said, her mouth stuffed.

"Only if you sleep with me tonight." I mumbled.

"Alright. Come on." She said and I kept a hand around her and on her thigh, eating with my other.

I needed all of Ariella. I couldn't wait for this vacation. I yearn to please her and satisfy every need she has as well as give her new things she didn't know she needed.

The day I would make love to her I will everyday after that.

I would claim a part of her no one else had.

I wanted to scream 'fuck a diploma' in her face but I knew how much it meant to her.

And it's not her fault. I never told her I didn't care.

I told her I struggled through school and wanted to graduate.

I didn't tell her I'd study the same way as she never told me to do it. The second I started doing it she didn't let me stop. She kept hyping me and kept telling me 'you started for a reason Kai don't just stop'.

I didn't.

She accomplished so much through highschool and this solidifies her success with not only school but everything her.

We finished dinner and I did the dishes while she went and showered. I finished the boba, walking to my room and putting on a movie she told me she liked.

Finding Nemo.

She walked in, smiling at the TV.

"Awe." She laughed, walking to me and getting under the covers.

I yanked off my pants and reached, pulling off her shirt and shorts making her laugh.

I pulled her onto my body, holding her to me.

"These past few weeks have been so hard for me Ari." I ran my fingers through her damp, blonde hair.

"We have a great one up ahead. I know it was hard but we're all done. You got your GPA up to an amazing 3.5." She praised and I didn't give a fuck.

"I love you." I kissed her hair.

Everything is for you.


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