Ariella Hanson

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I knocked on his door.

It's been four hours since he panicked and asked to be alone for a bit.

"Come in." He mumbled and I walked into his room, shutting the door behind me as I moved onto his bed, lying on my stomach, my body between his legs, my head lying on his lower abdomen and almost immediately his fingers raked through my hair.

I shut my eyes, the TV quiet his stomach warm and bare.

I smiled, comfortable and a weird floating feeling in my stomach.

I moved my hand up, tracing the tattoos that sat on his hip.

"What's this called?" I whispered, tracing the deep line between his hips and low stomach.

"A V-line." He answered me, his voice void of anything even remotely positive.

"When did you get all of these?" I mumbled.

"I got a few at 15, my mom took me, a few at 16, and before I moved here I got my arms and hands." He said.

"Does it hurt?"


I nodded, being quiet so I didn't irritate him.

He scooped my hair away from my face, his other hand pressing on the shape of my eyebrow, probably adjusting the hairs in one direction.

He was incredibly warm and I was tempted to literally pass out.

"Will you eat dinner?" My final question. For now.

"Eventually." His voice was light, a quiet whisper.

I stopped talking in whole, kind of just staying there.

I could hear his stomach making weird sloshy sounds and I smiled, the sounds so strange.

One of his hands came down, caressing my jawline, his thumb touching my lower lip and up the back of my head, pulling my hair from my neck upward.

Chills ran through me, prickling my skin.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"What for?" I asked.

"Being a good person." Was all he answered and I didn't know what to say.

"Before my mom left she always had a saying." I moved my head back so I could look at him while still lying my head down.

"Yea?" He tilted his head, listening.

"A man without the best vision can't see his future. If a man can't see his future he'd be bound to dwell in the past." I squinted, trying to remember it right.

"That's very true." He nodded, his finger tracing the bridge of my nose before going under my eye and over my eyelid as I shut them.

"You're young. You shouldn't have gone through that Kai. For your experience I'm sorry, but I'm so happy you're here." I whispered and he sighed.

"I'm happy I'm here too." He said and I smiled, that sentence made me overjoyed but I chose to relax and stay there.


I woke up, buckled in a car and I panicked till I saw Kai driving and I groaned.

"Scared?" He laughed.

"A little bit." I shook my head.

"Sorry. Taking you to McDonalds." He looked at me and parked at this place.

"I'm in shorts." I frowned.

"Trust me?" He grabbed his hoodie and I nodded, getting out of the car.

"Sit at a table." He pointed to them and followed me as I chose the cleanest one.

I sat and he put his hoodie over my legs, caressing my hair.

"I'll be back." He walked away and I sat there.

He came back, a big drink, two medium fries, and two other things in cardboard boxes.

He sat across from me.

He handed me one of the fries.

"These are so good." He told me and I ate one.

"They are." I agreed.

I actually felt really hungry right now.

I ate a few as he opened the cardboard things.

"These are chicken nuggets, really good too, and I'll cut this but it's a burger." He pointed to things and I nodded.

He handed me a chicken nugget and I took a bite.

He began eating too and I switched between biting the nugget and grabbing some fries.

"Is it good?" He asked.

"Yea. I'm hungry." I said and he smiled.

He left, coming back with a plastic knife and cut the burger, handing me half.

"Eat what you can." He nodded.

I finished the nugget, taking the burger from him.

I ate three fried before I took a bite of it.

"I have two pounds to gain, heavy work." I said and he laughed.

"You've got it." He told me. The burger was so good too.

Maybe if I tried not to eat too quick I could eat more.

The food was pretty dry and I struggled swallowing it.

He handed me the drink and I took a drink, the weird bubbles hurt as I swallowed it. It tasted good though.

He laughed, "you alright?"

"What's that?" I asked.

"Soda. It's carbonated and it's weird but you get used to it." He nodded and I ate another nugget.

"Holy shit, you're doing so good." He looked at what I've eaten.

I was doing good.

I ate almost half the fries, half of the half I was given, three nuggets.

"By prom I want to pass 110." I said.

"That's a good goal. You have two months to get there and you gained 4 in a week. I don't doubt you'll be there." He smiled.

My stomach flipped, happy I was able to be more normal.

I had finished the burger, it took a long time but I did it. I ate three nuggets and the rest of my fries.

I stood, hoping I wouldn't be nauseous. I wasn't.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yea." I smiled.

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