Age of Titans: Simia

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He has a bad feeling traveling down his spine. He doesn't know why, it's just that... 

A white light. A light that completely encompasses your vision. That's usually a bad sign, right? The type of sign usually reserved to signal death, or in other words, the end of your life? If there's one thing that the internet taught him, it's that white screens usually mark the end of something, whether it be a section of video or an animated character. 

But then again, if you're going to die, don't people usually say that your life flashes before your eyes? And since that didn't happen to him, does that mean that he's still alive? 


He really hopes it does. 

*          *          *

The whiteness makes way for darkness. Darkness is the new norm, but splotches of white remain. Those splotches get bigger and bigger, but also less white. Instead, they turn grey. That color expands as well, until all he sees is grey. He tries to rub his eyes, only to realize that he can't feel his hands; again. Is he well and truly dead?

No, it can't be. He feels as though he can still move his head, albeit sluggishly. Dread creeps along his body as his legs are also irresponsive. He can't stand up; in fact, he has this faint hunch that he might be laying down on all fours. He sighs, only for no sound to come out. He really wants to scratch his back, as he feels something moving on it. 

Hang on. 

There's something on his back. THERE'S SOMETHING ON HIM.

Panicking, he tries to twist his body in every which way, only to realize that, once again, he can't. With all his might, he shoves his body to the left. Hope flows through him as he feels his body lift off the ground, but his body falls back down just as quickly. 


So that's new. Last he checked, he only weighed like 120 something pounds, not 1200 pounds. He sure as hell doesn't remember his body weight being able to shatter the freaking ground. The loud noise startles him into finally opening his eyes. And by eyes, I really do mean "eyes", as he has more than 1. 

He also has more than 2. 

He can see forwards, backwards, to his left, right, and upwards, all at the same time. Granted, all of those angles are really limited into terms of FOV, but the fact that he suddenly has 1...2...3... 6  eyes now is really offputting. What's even more offputting is that his vision is no longer normal. Well, it wasn't "normal" before, but this extra detail really takes it off the cliff. 

All of his eyes appeared to be gun sights

He squinted, and all 6 of them zoomed in. He stopped squinting, and all of the sights zoomed out. His vision was now adjustable. Not only that, but he could adjust it to his will. There was a limit to how far he could zoom in, which, after some testing, he thought was about 5 times more than normal. 

And based on the triangles inside the sights, these were German gun sights; more specifically, from WW2. They weren't Tiger gun sights, but they were indeed German; which is strange because he's pretty sure he's seen pretty much every single gun sight used in WW2 designs. Unless these sights weren't used during WW2? But they're not modern gun sights either, as try as he might, he couldn't turn on night vision. 

The itch on his back is really starting to get to him. If only there was a way to relieve that feeling, to get rid of the fire-

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