Age of Strife: Dragon's Teeth Gap

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A grand wall stretches from one side of a mountain to another, creating a heavily guarded checkpoint. Low hanging clouds droop along the mountain walls, the atmosphere as dense as the crammed space. 

The mountain slopes are as jagged as they are unforgiven to all those who attempted to scale them, never to be heard from again. Thus the reason why the wall is not as tall as it could have potentially been. 

A single gate reinforced with iron is the only way to get to the opposite ends of the pass, and the path leading to and from that gate is as broken as the stones within the walls, weathered by rain, wind, but most of all...

Catapult fire. 


A giant rock smashes right below a section of the battlements, the boulder itself being wedged into the wall. Its toughness means that the rock doesn't break, and that the wall does. Part of the embrasures crumble onto the ground below. 

A ballista bolt lands right below the impact, digging into the wall and sticking out like a thorn. Another part of the wall, chipped and struggling to remain together as the hail of projectiles worsens. 

The defenders atop the wall return fire with little more than feeble arrows, ducking as their enemies continue to lob things in their direction. An archer is nailed in the shoulder with a spear from a ballista, and he is pinned against the backmost embrasure. 

Screaming in pain, one of his arms goes limp as the other struggles to pull the spear loose. His legs kick furiously as he tries to free himself, and another archer rushes over. Using both of their hands, the archer nearly slips on the stones. 

The screaming intensifies, and the archer repeatedly slaps the dude on the shoulder with their fist, trying to knock some sense into him. The dude finally shuts up when the archer whacks their bow into his face. Blood drips as time continues to flow. 

With 3 hands on the shaft of the spear, they nod to each other, and pull. Their muscles tense from the work, pressure, and unrelenting sounds of death around them. On the third try, as if by unannimous agreement, they pull at the same time, and the spear is wrenched loose. 

The no longer pinned archer screams again, parts of his shoulder tendens ripped to shreds and the flesh a mangled mess. Dropping onto his knees, the other archer applies pressure onto the wound to stop the bleeding, their brown leather gloves turning red. 

The dude is a mess, a hand sized hole in his body giving him unforeseen amounts of pain. The archer can only give empty reassurances as the wound refuses to get better, no matter how hard they press the wound. 

The screaming fades, but the roar of battle does not. The dude's glazed eyes stare in the direction of the ones who had killed him, head going limp. The archer puts a hand over his face, swiping downwards and putting the dude to sleep. 

"MAGES!" someone screams, and the fog is lit up by all colors of the rainbow. The magic wears away at the wall, finishing what the catapults couldn't do. The gate bursts into flames as the metal parts start to melt. 

The barrage demolishes most of the defenders atop the wall, burning, stabbing, or freezing the soldiers to death. The ones that remain put up whatever resistance they can, unable to retreat under the magical suppression. 


A fresh wave of boulders smashes into the wall, cutting it down to less than a quarter of its original height. The rubble traps a swordsmen, and in the chaos, all they can do is call for help. 

With most of their limbs stuck and their one free arm looking and sounding like it's broken, they can't do anything as something falls from the sky, stabbing them in their stomach. A low flying icicle hits their head with enough force to go into their skull and out the other side. 

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