Age of Titans: Lerna

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You know, for a place called the "Inner Sanctum", it didn't look that special. It was practically as flat as everywhere else, with slightly taller grass. The scenery was practically the same, but it probably wouldn't be wise to judge something by its looks. 

Just like his armor. 

Chobham material is generally heavier than other composite armor formulas due to its use of rare earth metals. At the cost of extra weight, the armor boasts superior resilience and toughness against almost all types of kinetic, thermal, and physical threats. 

However, his previous thought process about "armor transfer" via "angel magic" has been completely flipped on its head. Noting the slightly worse speed difference of around 7-8 mph, his theory that his armor would always weigh around 200 tons has been tossed out the window. 

The only similarity compared to the last transfer was that his size was still the same; no longer, shorter, or higher. This means that the armor given by the upgrades is not traded on a mass-to-mass ratio, but rather on a size-to-size ratio. 

In short, instead of giving 200 tons of, let's say, steel, for 200 tons of tungsten, upgrades instead give 200 feet of steel for 200 feet of tungsten, even if tungsten weighs more or even if the new protection value is worse than the old one. 

Not saying that the new protection value for him is worse; that is by no means true. But it seems that the priority order for upgrades goes something along the lines of "maintaining the user's shape" before "maintaining the user's weight", or even "maintaining the user's function".

Or he could be completely wrong.

As for how good his armor is, it can [DELETED]

(A/N): F that. If you want to know how chobham armor works, try finding out by yourself.

Oh yeah, I did mention speed, didn't I?

The temporary boost he once had was more or less gone, and he was already longing for those days to return. On the upside, he got to enjoy the sights his surroundings offered. Of which, there were none. 

Except for that giant multi-headed snake over there. 


So about that...

While not exactly as massive as Glykon, the thing was still towering over the Ratte. Its scales were a darker green color, and its body looked like it had tried eating multiple Thanksgivings worth of turkeys. 

But its main feature was its many heads. 6, to be exact, all with strenuously long necks and strenuously long tongues. 

It was essentially a hydra. An actual, mythical beast that had left some impact on the ancient world. Perhaps this is what the angel meant when she said that things would only get more dangerous?

Not only did the hydra look like, well, a hydra, it apparently also had the same hostility as the one that tried to eat Hercules. 

"HISSSS!" let out all 6 of its heads at once, making a mad dash for him. With a few seconds before impact, he began to angle himself in a way that would allow him to bring all of his guns to bear. 

Skidding to a stop just in front of him, the hydra assumed a stalk-like stance, circling around him. Unable to turn quick enough to match its slow pace, he instead tracked it using his turrets, though it proved difficult to keep eyes on all 6 heads. 

A head lurched forward, smacking dead center on top of him, cracking the ground below. Firing the quad flaks, the 20 mm's did little other than to shoo away the heads. Seeing its body maneuver in front of him, he fired his hull mounted gun. 

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