Age of Strife: Cenmarton

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Death and destruction lay waste to the other side of the mountain pass, and while the fog had cleared, the bodies hadn't. There were countless corpses strewn throughout the land, most of them having experienced terrible fates before death. 

Smeared, torn, and broken. Those were the states of being for the remnants of the enemy army, wholly defeated and routed. It would be a lie to say that there was nothing left, but it wouldn't exactly be truthful to say that something had remained. 

The girl tried her best to not breathe too heavily. If this was what victory was like, then it smelled really bad. The stench the corpses gave off was enough to make a person faint, and soon the bodies would be swarmed with flies. 

It was after some time she had treated yet another patient that the tide of battle had decisively turned in their favor. The creature had begun to stir out of its stillness, causing her to relocate her patients to prevent them from getting trampled. 

The creature then rumbled down the slope, towards the enemy and defied all resistance set upon it. She had followed its slow descent downhill, watched it break through the dust cloud, and well... 

Let's just say that the creature had not only turned the tables on the enemy, but had also proceeded to smash said table over the heads of the enemy. The girl had to cast a modified purification spell over her so that she wouldn't get lightheaded. 

Oddly enough, not from the sight of death, but from the smell of it. 

Afterwards, the creature didn't go back up the slope. The girl debated going back without it, but it didn't sound like reinforcements had arrived yet. 

She didn't want to dive right back into danger when she was already in a place where the danger had been eliminated. The remaining enemies were weak enough to the point where the fighting was mostly even, but no side had enough strength to finish things off. 

Which was why reinforcements were all the more needed. 

Her patients should be fine without her so she stayed here with the creature, wandering through the plains alongside it and moving closer to it. The creature didn't seem to mind her or the bodies. 

To her relief, the creature did not eat the bodies but it also didn't seem to like the grass either. Instead, it wiggled around the bodies, stopping when the piles became too high to avoid. It seemed to have a similar distaste to them just like the girl. 

Did she ever mention how bad they smelled? 


Something came out of the creature's back and flew out at top speed, flying just in front of it. A golden wave pulsed out of the flying thing, washing over the girl as the overwhelming magic instantly broke her purification spell. 

It did little to harm her and instead briefly wrapped her in a warm blanket as the magic eviscerated every single corpse. For as far as she could see, the grass had turned green again and any traces of blood were nowhere to be found. 

She sucked in a breath as majestically white feathered wings made themselves known. The creature's heads looked up at the floating figure, whose smile made the girl draw in closer. 

"Titan," the angel said. The girl was surprised to hear a gentle voice come from the holy being instead of the booming voice the angel had used to address a crowd. "Today is the day we recognize an achievement of yours; the taking of a million human lives."

The girl didn't know what to think. 

"You sound more surprised than I," the angel said, continuing to talk to the creature. "This day has indeed come sooner than either of us had predicted, but regardless it holds some weighted value."

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