Age of Titans: Petra

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A hybrid engine uses, or rather, runs on 2 fuel sources; in this case, its diesel and electrical power. At high speeds, more diesel is used than electricity. At lower speeds, more electricity is used than diesel. 

This in turn makes the engine very efficient and eco friendly, but is the environment really the main focus here?

The Ratte is slow; that much is obvious. As such, the new hybrid engines almost always use electrical power, and the need to use diesel is lessened, but not completely eliminated since these engines use cylinders which require a fuel source for combustion. 

This also means that they can't turn off automatically, and ignition still has to be manual. 

Besides that, here is where the modifications take effect. 

Since not using diesel would be a waste, one of the engines consumes more diesel to produce electricity. The other engine uses less diesel due to the vehicle's speed, but takes this extra electricity to provide more power and movement. 

Since the power output of the Ratte is now greater than his previous output, this results in more kilowatts, which results in more horsepower. 

Essentially, the Ratte receives more horsepower at the cost of using the same amount of fuel he was using before the upgrade. Granted, if either engine becomes inoperable, then the decrease in effeciency would be greater than when the engines were non-hybrid. 

The question is, just how much faster is he now?


He can now move at 10 mph instead of 5!

On flat terrain. 

What about a body of water though? His engines do come with snorkels after all. 

The clear surface of a flowing river sends ripples towards him as he ponders this question. Spanning a few hundred feet in width, the glaciers upstream seem to be providing the majority of the water. 

The height of the Ratte was supposedly tall enough to make river crossings possible, as bridges would simply collapse under his weight. His hull mounted gun tilted downward, and through that gun lens, he could see his own reflection. 


He started to turn right, and after a few minutes of effort, is facing in the direction he wants to. He goes forward, rumbling and squashing grass. 

There was no way he was going to cross that river. 

He's not amphibious, his weight would make him sink into the sandbar, and even if he got across, he wouldn't be able to get out of the river. The ground's too soft.

*          *          *

A full day gave way to the beginning of night, which itself ended, allowing the sun to rise again. Time seemed to crawl as he watched the sun set and let the night begin again. It was pitch black, aside from the stars, for which it seemed he could never recognize. 

And on the third day, when his never ending routine of driving forward seemed to blend in with the unassuming flat ground that surrounded him, he finally came to a stop. 

He was at a dead end. 

In front of him were snow capped mountains forming an impassible range, spanning to both his left and right. Behind him was the way he came, and other than that, there were no other paths. 

The icy tips of the formidable rock wall glittered in the high noon sun as he pondered his next move. He couldn't go around, and going back would mean risking running out of fuel. 

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