A true friend

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You and jaden didn't talk for 2 weeks. Your mental state was really bad. You cried yourself to sleep every night. You didn't got out of your room. And barely talked with anyone.

Chat with Jayla
Y/N: Jayla..?
J: Y/N?
Y/N: Have you talked with jaden in the past weeks?
J: Barely. He's not in a good mood. Why?
Y/N: Can we meet up? I'll explain.
J: Sure, I'll come pick you up.

You and Jayla got to Starbucks and got y'all's food.

J: So do you know why jaden is acting so weird?
Y/N: Yes and it's my fault.
J: Why?..

You explain what's going on and that it's not like he thinks it is.

J: Wow.
Y/N: I know. Do you understand?
J: Totally. But I also feel bad for him you should've told him.
Y/N: I tried to, but he would let me finish.
J: Should i try?
Y/N: No, not right now. I need to try to talk to him by any chance.
J: Alright. Good luck with that!
Y/N: Thank you.

Jayla drops you at your house. This time you didn't cry yourself to sleep. You were sure you can do it and just go up to him and explain everything.

- The next day ( school day )
You waited in front of the school for jaden and Javon. They didn't came by time so you got in already. At lunch break Javon came up to you.

J: Hey y/n I need to talk to you.
Y/N: Why?
J: Jaden he suddenly has-

You couldn't trust your eyes. Jaden was walking up the hallway with his arms around a girls wrist.
You stared in shock.

J: that's what I wanted to tell you..

Your eyes filled up with tears again. You ran past him out of the school. You got next to the school building and had a break down.
You sat there hours crying about what just happend. You didn't realise school just ended.

Jaden and that girl walked out of the building. Just as they were about to get in the car. Jaden saw you. He looked in your eyes and you could tell he felt sorry. He was about to walk up to you but you got up and ran to Matts car.

You got home. Missed calls and texts from your friends. You didn't care.
* Jaden could've never had feeling for me. What did I think? If he had , he would have a girlfriend now. I hate it. *

The next days you didn't go to school.
A week later Jayla visited you because she hadn't seen you in a while.

Jayla: Y/N? Hey can I come in?
Y/N: Come in
J: Oh my god. I'm so sorry.

She hugged you tight.

Y/N: I feel so dumb
J: No you don't have to. Jaden should. I'll talk to him later. Im gonna beat his ass for doing that.
Y/N: No he didn't do anything bad.
J: Oh girl, he did are you so blind of love ?
Y/N: love?
J: ... whatever look I brought you your fav food and drinks. Let's watch a movie. Which one shall we watch?
Y/N:  Frozen..
J: Okay!

Hours passed.
Jayla: Okay I'll go home now! If you need anything just text me alright?
Y/N: Thank you jayla
Jayla: No worries. Love you girl! Bye!
Y/N: Love you too, Bye!

You finally felt better. But it didn't last long.

At the Walton's home. Jayla got to jadens room.
J: What ?
Jayla: You're such a jerk!
J: Wtf
Jayla: You knew exactly how Y/N felt these whole weeks and you show up with a new chick the other day? Wtf is wrong with you?
J: Aha she said that or what?
Jayla: God you're so dumb. NO SHE DIDNT. she is not together with your brother. Matt was doing a joke that's what she wanted to tell you. As you started being mean and ignoring her she cried herself to sleep for every night. Because of you! And you do this? For what?
J: ...
Jayla: Think about it boy. You just lost an amazing girl. She's more worth then your new chick? And you know. Right now i really hope Javon and Y/N get together. Because he treats her geat. As you should've too. I'm done with this

Jadens mind
* What the f- was that. Is jayla right? Ofcouse. God I'm so dumb. I should've known Matts  doing a joke or at least let her talk. FUCK. *

Jaden ran out of the house and got to his car. It's raining outside and his hair and clothes are wet. But he doesn't care. He just wanted to make everything alright.

A whole new life || Javon Walton / Jaden Walton Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin