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The next days you visited jaden everyday. The police could find Simon and he got his punishment. It's the day jadens finally getting back home.


?: y/n
Y/N: Who's this?
?: Don't freak out pls. Simon
Y/N: Oh boy you have the courage to write me after what you've done?
?: Just Listen. I'm sorry
Y/N: Oh yeah for what? For nearly killing my boyfriend? For stalking me? For harassing me? For treating me like bullshit?
?: y/n
Y/N: Fuck No Simon. I don't care if you're sorry, you made my life miserable and I'll never forgive for for that.
?: I know. I'm sorry. I wont contact you anymore. I don't know what got into me for doing that.
Good Luck with your boy, he's really protective. Good to know my girl is in good hands.
Y/N: Im not your girl
?: ... just know that I wish you the best
Y/N: alr.

You forget the chat and get in the car.

At the Walton's:
Y/N: is he there?
Javon steps aside. Jaden behind him
Y/N: Jay!
You run up to him hug him and kiss him
J: Hey love
Y/N: Im so glad you're back, im sorry.
J: No need to be. I have you

You guys hangout in jadens room the rest of the day.

J: y/n?
Y/N: yeah?
J: What's it gonna be like when you're back in your country?
Y/N: .... I don't know.
J: I don't want to break up
Y/N: We wont... we won't
- you put your head on his shoulders
Y/N: Let's not think about that. We still have time.
J: Youre right.
- he smiles at you
Y/N: Jaden
J: hm?
Y/N: Simon texted me
Y/N: don't freak out. Here
- you show him the text
J: ....
Y/N: he's really sorry
J: Ok and?
Y/N: Im just saying
J: y/n wtf he nearly killed me?
Y/N: No I understand just you know he didn't had the best childhood. I know this won't make that acceptable, but don't try to kill him if you'll see him again.
J: So you're on his side now?
Y/N: No I Never was
J: y/n that guy manipulates you? Are you so stupid to believe that?
Y/N: Jaden look at the chat he know what i think about him?
J: Yeah right. That guy won't change so easy
Y/N: And you know that?
J: Are you serious?
Y/N: Jaden I don't want you to forgive him. Just remember he grew up like that.
J: .... I think it would be better if you'd go
Y/N: Jaden?
J: y/n go.
- You pack your things and rush out of the house
Jessica: What was that? What happend with y/n?
Jaden: Nothing
Jessica: J? Tell me
Jaden: No please I need to think
Jessica: Okay but if you wanna talk..
Jaden: No mom.

You walk home.
Did I say something wrong? Jadens wrong. Simon is over me and has changed.
As if I still love him? Why is he like that.

Time jump

- 1 week later
You and Jaden didn't speak for that entire week.
You started to miss him like crazy so you decided to visit his baseball game.

-after the game you get jaden to a place with less people.
J: what
Y/N: what? You're my boyfriend and I haven't seen or talked to you in a week? What's going on with you jaden?
J: y/n this is not the right place.
Y/N: No it is. Jaden why are you like that? Tell me now. Or never tell me
J: Jo now what's that supposed to mean?
Y/N in my eyes you still have eyes for your ex and he has for you.
Y/N: WTF? Jaden i fucking left that country because of him? Are you so stupid to think I love a guy who terrorised me? Seriously
J: Yes then I am so stupid.
Y/N: I don't love him Jaden. I love you. Simon and I aren't in contact since that chat. If you don't believe me I don't know what you want to hear but I love you Jaden
J: Shit i don't know y/n. I'm sorry. Ofc I love you too I'm just freaking scared that you're gonna forget me when you're back in your country.
Y/N: What? No. I wont forget you?
J: I don't know.
Y/N: Jaden we're gonna figure this out alright? Together.
J: Together.
Y/N: Now go take a shower you sweat
J: shut up
- Jaden kisses you and got to the changing room with his team

I know that part is short. This story is going to end soon there will be coming like 1 maybe 2 parts. I'm gonna start a new story after that.

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