A new Friend

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The next day in school. Jaden hugs you
J: Hey , i see your feeling better
Y/N: After yesterday, how couldn't I?
He smiles at you
Javon: hey Y/N, hey Jaden
J: Sup
Y/N: hi
Javon: Wanna meet up later?
Y/N: Uhh sure ig!
Javon: Alr, see you Y/N.
Y/N: bye!
J: Do you think we should tell him?
Y/N: I don't know... Lets wait a bit
J: Okay! I gotta go now, Love you, bye!
Y/N: Love you too J

You have your class.
?: Hey you're Y/N Right?
Y/N: Oh yeah hi
?: So uhm we never really talked but I'm Ava!
Y/N: Hey Ava!
A: So Wanna do this project together?
Y/N: Sure!
A: Okay lets start!

You guys work on your project till the end of the class.

A: Your so nice! Maybe we should hang out sometime?
Y/N: Definetly!
A: Wait, Ill give you my phone number- here
Y/N: Thanks! I'll text you later!
A: Okay, bye!
Y/N: bye!

You finish school and got to the Walton's. You guys hangout in Jadens room.

Y/N: Ill go to Jaylas  room
Jaden: Okay ,come back soon!
Javon: Yes

You go to Jaylas room.

Y/N: Hey Cookie!
Jayla: Ohh hey Y/N!
Y/N: What Are you doing?
Jayla: Just texting sone friends, what about y'all?
Y/N: We were just hanging out in Jadens room, but it got pretty boring haha
J: Yeah I can imagine. Id love to get Starbucks with you now ,but Javon and mine training starts soon.
Y/N: Oh no worries, lets do it another time!
J: Definetly
Y/N: Okay Im gonna go down to the boys again! Love you ,bye.
Jayla: Bye, Love you too

Meanwhile downstairs.

Javon: Jaden?
J: Yeah?
Javon: Have you heard from Ava again?
J: Yeah she broke up with the guy she cheated on me.
Javon: Oh god. Do you think y'all get back together?
J: I don't know. I mean no , no I don't think so.
Javon: Do you still have feeling for her?
J: ....

* You got in the room*

Y/N: Hey- Did i just interrupt yall?
J: Nah don't worry about it
Javon: Mhm

Javon: „COMING"
Javon: Ok i gotta go. Bye Y/N!
Y/N: Bye!

Jayla and Javon left the house.

Y/N: So what now?
J: Cuddlling?
You smile and you two started watching a film while cuddling.
Y/N: I love you J
J: I love you more

You fall asleep in his arms and you wake up by Javon sitting next to you.
Y/N: Javon?
J: Oh youre awake
Y/N: Where's Jaden?
J: I got here by y'all sleeping, but jaden woke up and is right now getting ready. I didn't want to wake you up sorry
Y/N: Oh ,no thank you!
J: Did y'all cuddle?
Y/N: Uhh no why?
J: Just asking.

An Hour later you got back to your house and had lunch with your Guest family.
Luke: So Y/N Are you and J a thing now?
Y/N: not officially... but yeah
L: Ok, good luck
Y/N: Thanks! How was y'all's days?
Matt: So good! so...

Y'all finished with lunch and got to your rooms.
Matt: Y/N?
Y/N: Matt?
M: Can I come in?
Y/N: Yea
M: So uhm
Y/N: ?
M: I- I think Javon likes you too.
Y/N: Yeah we're friends
M: No Y/N, he like likes you. Not in a friend way.
Y/N: What? Why would you say that?
M: Look I-
Y/N: No Matt. You just don't want me to be in a happy relationship with Jaden. You're so selfish wtf? Now get the fuck out of my room.
M: Wtf? No Y/N-

He leaves the room.

* Is he right? Does Javon love me too? I don't wanna break his heart. But Jadens neither. No, it can't be. Matt just lies because I said no to him. So selfish.... OH. AVA. I forgot to text her-*

Chat with Ava
Y/N: Hey, Im sorry I forgot to write you!
A: Hey! No it's alright. How are you?
Y/N: I don't know. My brother just told me that the brother of my boyfriend likes
me? Like wtf haha
A: Omg you have a boyfriend?!
Y/N: Yes
A: Does he go to our school?
Y/N: Uh, no hes from my country haha.
A: Oh okay, but good luck yall sounds crazy what your brother tells you!
Y/N: Yeah right, but how are you?
A: Oh im great actually! My ex and I may have a change again!
Y/N: Omg Im so happy for you, that's great! Good luck y'all 2!
A: Thanks! I think I'm gonna get some sleep now. See you tomorrow in class?
Y/N: Yes, Good Night!
A: Good night!

* Okay... as Long Jaden and I aren't official I'll just pretend to have a boyfriend from another country ig it will be easier so far..*

Chat with Javon:
J: Hey Y/N. Are you still up?
Y/N: Hi! Ofc
J: nice. Are you free tomorrow?
Y/N: Yeah why?
J: Maybe we could meet up again and get some food?
Y/N: Sure!
J: Great. See you tomorrow!
Y/N: Good Night!

Chat with J❤️:
Y/N: Jaden!
J: Yeah?
Y/N: Javon asked me to meet up tomorrow. Just the 2 of us?.
J: Okay
Y/N: Youre okay with that?
J: Yes I'm alright.
Y/N: Oh okay , good night, love you!
J: Good Night

You get of your phone and started overthinking.
* Wow. Jaden literally allowed me to hang out with Javon without him. Usually he hates it when I'm alone with him. He didn't even told me he loved me before going to bed...
hm I'll just gotta get some sleep. Maybe Jaden is now okay with it because he know that Javon just likes me as a friend! And he probably was too tired to write „love you" so I'll just stop overthinking and start sleeping...^

A whole new life || Javon Walton / Jaden Walton Where stories live. Discover now