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You got your stuff to jadens room.
Jaden: Im glad you're sleeping here!
Y/N: I am too! I'll sleep on the floor!
Jaden: Are you sure?
Y/N: Yeah I'm cool with it!
Jaden: Alright!
Y/N: im really tired already
Jaden: Wanna cuddle?
Y/N: Let's do that tomorrow! I need my sleep haha!
-You gave him a kiss
Jaden: Goodnight princess
Y/N: Good Night J

- You fall asleep, but wake-up 30min later. You open your eyes a little bit. Jaden was carrying you onto his bed. He makes sure you're comfy by getting enough pillows and covering you up with a cozy blanket. Jaden lays down on the floor, where you were supposed to sleep.
You fall asleep again with a smile on your face

-You wake up
Jaden is sitting on his desk doing his homework.
- You get up and hug him

Jaden: Heyy good morning
Y/N: Good Morning
-You smile at him
Jaden: How did you sleep?
Y/N: Great. How about you?
Jaden: Yeah me too
Y/N: Thanks for letting me sleep on the bed.
Jaden: Anything for you
~He smiles at you.
Y/N: Im gonna get ready in the bathroom!
Jaden: Okay!

- You go to the bathroom and do some basic makeup. You're still in your pjama because you're too lazy to dress up for now. You get out and walk to Jaylas room

Y/N: Morning Cookie
Jayla: Ooh morning y/n how did you sleep?
Y/N: Really good! Jaden let me sleep in his bed.
Jayla: What an Gentleman!
Y/N: Definetly! What are you doing today?
Jayla: Im meeting up with kylee hbu?
Y/N: Nice! I don't know yet. I'm gonna go back to Jadens room. Byee!
Jayla: Bye! have fun.

- your back in jadens room
Jaden: You look so beautiful
Y/N: So do you
~ he kisses you
Jaden: Hey do you have plans for later?
Y/N: No, No idea.
Jaden: Great. You're gonna go on a date with me
Y/N: Oh am I?
Jaden: Yes you are
- You smile at him and he pulls you into a hug.
Y/N: Do i need to wear something fancy?
Jaden: You can wear what you want!
Y/N: Okay! Could you drive me to my house later. I need to pick an outfit.
Jaden: Ofc!
Y/N: Are you finished with your homework yet?
Jaden: No but in like 10mins
Y/N: Great! I wanna cuddle
Jaden: So do i
Y/N: Im gonna go to Javons room!
Jaden: As Long as you don't fall in love with him!
Y/N: Shut up - I love you.

- You gave him a kiss and went to Javon.

Y/N: Sup
Javon: Hey y/n
Y/N: What are you doing?
Javon: Texting some people. What about you?
Y/N: Im so bored. Jadens doing homework.
Javon: Ohh hm.
Y/N: Im gonna go back to jadens and watch some TikTok haha bye
Javon: bye

-you lay down on jadens bed and watch some TikTok

~ Jaden jumps at you
Jaden: Im finished!
Y/N: Finally!

You guys decided to watch a movie and cuddle.
After the movie jaden drives you home so you can get ready.

Y/N: Bye J! Love you
Jaden: Love you more!

You get in your house and walk up to Luke's Room.

Luke: Sup
Y/N: Uhm i need to tell you something
Luke: Yeah?
Y/N: Me and Jaden Are back together.
Luke: Really? Omg that's great. I'm really happy for you ! Since when?
Y/N: Uhh since yesterday. Thanks I'm gonna tell Matt now. Byee
Luke: Alright bye!

You knock on matts door.
Matt: Yeah?
Y/N: Sup Matt
Matt: Ohh you're back hey
Y/N: I need to tell you something
Matt: Sure?
Y/N: Me and Jaden Are officially back together!
Matt: OMG. That's so great to hear!
Y/N: I know right! And he's taking me on a date later, but I don't know where we're going.
Matt: Uuuh have fun!
Y/N: Thanks imma get ready now!

You tell your guest parents and go back to your room. You get ready and wait for jaden. As soon as jaden arrived you grab your bag and rush out of the house while saying bye to everyone.

Jaden: Gosh, you look so hot- I mean beautiful
Y/N: You look hot too- I mean beautiful
- You both laugh.
Y/N: So where are we going?
Jaden: I booked us a table at a Restaurant in the city!
Y/N: Omg im so excited!

- You arrive there and go in

Y/N: Omg it Looks so beautiful -and so expensive
Jaden: Right? Just the best for you

- You two sit down on your table and eat your food.

Y/N: This was so delicious!
Jaden: I know right. It's so good.
Y/N: Thank you so much J
~He looks deep into your eyes
Jaden: There's no need to thank you! Your my girlfriend? I should be thanking you
- You blush
Y/N: I love you Jaden Walton
Jaden: I love you y/n y/l/n.
- You kiss
Jaden: Wanna get out of here?
Y/N: Bet

You guys pay the bill and walk around the city.
( It's late so it's already dark outside)

Y/N: It's so beautiful here! Look at the stars
Jaden: True.

- you walk around the city for an hour.

Jaden: I think I'm hungry again
Y/N: To be honest- So am I.
Jaden: let's get some food

- You get some food and sit down on some stairs.

Jayla: Omg what are you guys doing here?
Y/N: Omg hey!
Jayla: i thought you'd be in some fancy restaurant.
Jaden: We were but we decided to walk along the city and got hungry again.
Jayla: Okay have fun we're gonna keep walking around here! Bye!
Y/N: Bye!
Jaden: Bye!

Some minutes later you see Jaylas insta story:
( imagine it's you and jaden )

Some minutes later you see Jaylas insta story:( imagine it's you and jaden )

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Y/N: Omg Look
- you show jaden the picture
Jaden: cute
Y/N: Yeah right

* You repost that story*

-You guys walk around the city again till you got tired.

Jaden: Cmon let's drive home.
Y/N: Yeah I'm so tired!

On the way home you fell asleep in the car.
When y'all got to your house jaden carries you inside. He gives you a good night kiss

Jaden: I had so much fun today! I love you.

Then he drove home.

Credits to Leah_live for the part where jaden sleeps on the floor instead of y/n. (It was in her story included)

A whole new life || Javon Walton / Jaden Walton Where stories live. Discover now