Everything is gonna be okay

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The next day:
Matt: Hey Y/N. what are you doing?
Y/N: Making pancakes, do you want some?
Matt: Sure... Are you feeling better?
Y/N:.... no I don't....
Matt: I'm sorry. Wanna do something fun today? We could go bowling or stuff like that?
Y/N: I don't know
Matt: Alright. Tell me if you want to.
Y/N: Wait could you watch these pancakes for a second, I need to go get ready.
Matt: Yeah sure

You go upstairs and get ready.
Matt: *So the pancakes are ready ig*
The doorbell rang and Matt goes to open the door.

Matt: Ye-
Jaden: Uhm

Matt stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

Matt: Bro you think you can just show up here after what you've done?
Jaden: I know I'm sorry I'm here to apologise.
Matt: Nah man you'll need more then apologise.
Jaden: Please let me talk to her.
Matt:... fine. If you fuck up again I'll come for you trust me.
Jaden: I wont.

They both got inside again.
Matt: She's upstairs. You better know what you're saying.
Jaden: Okay. Thanks

Jaden goes upstairs and sees you in your room on your phone. He knocks at the door.
Y/N: Matt give me a minute please.
Jaden: ... It's jaden
You turn around in disbelieve.
Jaden sat down next to you on your bed.
Jaden: I know i fucked up. I'm so sorry for everything. You're a girl that's more than perfect and I let you think that I gave you up for that
B*tch. I love you. I always did. Ava just knows things about me that no one does and makes me really uncomfortable. I was trying to be friends with her, so she wouldn't tell anyone... That night, you saw us... kissing. We were just getting some food so we could talk about it. I really don't know why she kissed me. I didn't want that, trust me. I thought Ava changed but she didn't. Please forgive me Y/N.
Y/N: .....
Jaden: Say something please-...

Both of y'all had tears in your eyes.

Jaden: I still Love you Y/N. I always did.

Jadens voice sounded wobbly.

Jaden: Y/N-

You get him into a hug. You both cried your eyes out.

Y/N: Jaden I still loved you. I- I just don't know what's best right now... I'm sorry

Jaden: Its alright. I understand. Just know that I'm sorry and something like that won't happen again. I just want you to be happy. With or ... without me. But I wont let us hate each other for the rest of our lives.

Y/N: No- No that will never happen.

You both cried together for half an hour.

Y/N: I think you should go now okay?
Jaden: Im sorry yeah okay. Can I text you later?
Y/N: Would be great.

You smile at him. Jaden got back to his car and drove home.

Matt: So how did it went? Do I need to k*ll him haha?
Y/N: No Matt. It went good... I just don't know if we should get back together...
Matt: Okay. I'm sorry. I'll support you no matter what... and I think he's still a great guy. I heard y'all talking. Ava really is a B*tch.
Y/N: Thanks. Yeah

Chat with Javon
Y/N: Hey Javon, can we meet up today?
Javon: Ooh I have practise,
but I see what I can do.
Y/N: Oh no it's fine
Javon: Just cancelled. So when shall we meet.
Y/N: Haha thank you so much. I don't know maybe we could get some MC Donald's and go to the beach again? I really enjoyed that.
Javon: Sure, I'll pick you up ! Are we gonna walk along the beach or swim?
Y/N: both!
Javon: Alright

A whole new life || Javon Walton / Jaden Walton Where stories live. Discover now