🥍Chapter 2🥍

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Ryder went to School with Bella, she didn't help her sister out with school.  She went off to do her own thing as Ryder never needed Bella, she went ten years without her so she carrying on like her sister doesn't exist. She knows it seems harsh but to her, Reene and Bella never cared so why should she. She and Jasper spent the morning together, Jasper never likes to be around humans but He likes Ryder and he feels a brotherly bond with her. She reminds him of a girl back before he was turned, he loved how connected she was to the country and to nature itself.  Ryder likes how Jasper still had his southen accent and how much of a gentleman he was. She could see he was cold to the touch but she never let that bother her.

Ryder never poke her nose in people's business. What ever secret Jasper had she never wanted to know because she likes him for himself not because of his hidden secret. She saw her so called sister looking for Edward Cullen and she just ingored her. Bella came storming to her sister" Why is Jasper talking to you? Get him to tell me why Edward isn't here!" She shrieked out to her. Ryder scoff and walked away" Jasper isn't Edward's keeper, and no why should I, I'm not your servant so if you want to know something go and ask him politely instead of acting like a two year old!" Bella stormed away after getting yelled at by a ten year old.

Jasper and Emmett approached Ryder who was now sitting on the stairs currently drawing wolves howling at the moon. The two cullens lads noticed but didn't take offence to her like wolves." We heard what you said to your sister, we want to thank you Ryder not many people stand up for us. So thank you for caring about us." Emmett spoke with sincerity. Ryder nodded" no need to thank me, I don't like people poking their noses in other people's businesses. Jasper my friend and I protect friends." Ryder stated politely. Emmett nodded in thanks while Jasper gave her a rare hug. Jasper left for his next class leaving her with Emmett

Emmett is Ryder's second favourite Cullen after Jasper. The two bonded over hunting and fishing stories. He can't help but fall in love with her in a sibling way. "Shall we get to our English class Ry? I'll give you a piggy back ride? Emmett offered. Ryder looked up and nodded. She loves how Emmett is her big brother and it tons of fun. She gets along with everyone but Bella, Alice and Rosalie, she doesn't like woman in general part form Emily, Cora, Sue and Leah."Emmett can I ask you something?" He nodded, " why does Rosalie have this attitude problem towards people?" She ask cautiously. "She has a hard time trusting people and she not a people person, she means no harm she just perfers it to be just us you know?" Emmett explained.Ryder nodded in understanding, she didn't ask any further questions as she was satisfied with the answer he gave her.

The Cullens liked how Ryder respected their privacy. Even though Rosalie and the little human didn't like each other she respected Ryder for keeping out of things and sticking up for Jasper. Bella on the other hand was definitely on Rosalie bad side as she wasn't Edward's mate only his blood singer and she had no right to know about them and their world. Ryder left school with her sister and had to deal with Bella moping and obsessing over Edward Cullen.

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