🏠Chapter 24🏠

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Ryder woke up and saw Bella towering over her" just because he gone doesn't mean your torture has ended." Bella spoke with sinister smile. Ryder knew she had to stall Bella again and face one more battle. She just hopes that Bella wasn't careful and they had a lead on her already."No I won't let you cause anymore harm to me. I am not like you a weak nasty and bitter person. I am strong,peaceful and a badass. I am Ryder Charlotte Swan and I need noone to save me.  You want to torture me fine but you have to beat me without using your vampire power. Use your humanity instead or did you never have that at all?" Ryder challenged Bella who smirked at the sister she never cared or loved.

"Fine, let's do this!" Bella snaps, running at Ryder who dodged her attack and countered back. Ryder was beating Bella who was getting over powered by an twelve year old girl. Bella decided to tap into her vampire powers and cheat. Ryder got knocked down and felt blood gushing out of head. She felt like she was going in and out of consciousness.

Carlisle notified the pack that Bella had taken Ryder again but they were closing in on her and needed their assistance in which they agreed to and raced to the location. They broke into the remote house and saw Bella towering over Ryder and broke out in a fight. Jasper and Bree with Jared assistance moved Ryder out of the way and placed her on his back. Bree stayed with Jared as Jasper raced back and helped with the fight against Bella. Jane and Alex couldn't use their powers on her as she was shield and blocked everyone's powers.

They almost overpowered Bella but  she countered back and struck out on them all. Unfortunately for Bella she forgot to put her shield up and Jane used her powers on her and Bella came down to her knees in pain. The  pack went for the kill but Bella tricked everyone into thinking the pain tricked worked on her and quickly speed over to Ryder and Bree grabbing both girls." The choice is yours, back away and they live or keep coming and ill snap them both like twigs and leave them for dead."  Bella snarkly tells them as she brought both girls to their knees.

The pack and the Cullens were about to back away when.......

A/N- Cliffhanger 😱😱😱😱

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