Chapter 35

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The next day, An Yinong went downstairs with a look of lack of energy, and several people were already sitting at the dining table downstairs.

"Have you not slept yet?" Bei You asked with a smile, "Are you unfamiliar with the bed?"

"Yeah, I'm not used to it." In fact, he played the piano and guitar for a long time, and he lost his energy after playing too late.

An Yinong picked an inconspicuous seat and sat down.

The long table in front of him is full of meals, both Chinese and Western styles. On the opposite side of him is Zhang Ruojun. Right now, he is pretending to eat sandwiches. Seeing Ke Yinong, he smirked and said,

"A man I live on the fourth floor, so I came down late? I don't know what the room on the fourth floor is like, but the guest room on the second floor is already very beautiful, and Yubi's master room will not be bad."

An Yinong opened his mouth to ask What to say, An Min, the singer sitting in front, stirred the soy milk and made a crisp sound. She said bluntly: "Don't move the palace fighting dramas in the draft. Where do you live, will it not affect your creation?"

This eldest sister is also a quick talker. speak out.

Not so stupid that someone was so disrespectful, Zhang Ruojun's smile became reluctant, and he continued in this state until the staff came in.

"Our task today is to set the theme, and then everyone can start creating, so let's watch a short film first, and your topic is in it."

They turned on the projector and began to play the video.

The video is divided into three sections and three themes.

The first theme is: the poetic life.

The story is about a retired elementary school teacher. Although he lives in a barren place and his family has many disappointments, he is good at discovering 'beauty' and likes to use the art form of 'poetry' to record life, whether it is pain or joy, Gain or lose.

"Yesterday, Lao Wu came to me and said that when he was fishing yesterday, he found a sentence by chance. When we heard it, it was really good. Poetry is life, and life is poetry."

"I like poetry very much. Sometimes I can't sleep in the middle of the night thinking about a word. The happiest thing is that a sudden flash of inspiration, eh, I know which word should be used."

This is a forever young man of literature and art.

The second theme is: there is no tomorrow.

A child from a broken family, not accepted on both sides, is thrown away like garbage. He used to be a homeless man when he was nine, sleeping in the corner of the park, rummaging through supermarket trash cans. Later, he was found, but the feeling of being abandoned always followed him.

"I don't know how to get along with people, and I don't know how to talk. I'm scared to be approached, like a rat in a ditch crawling down the street. My existence doesn't make any sense."

"I'm sorry for adding to you Trouble." The youth who was rescued after suicide looked at his grieving parents with no expression on his face.

The third theme: social death.

This is a very heavy story. Xiaofang, who dropped out of school because of poverty in her family, was taken by her fellow villagers to the city to make money, but she was actually sold into the black red light district.

Xiaofang was raped and then turned into a wandering warbler. On average, she picks up three guests a day.

She was controlled, and she was beaten every time she escaped. At the worst, a dozen needles were stuck in her legs, and a gun was pointed at her head.

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