Chapter 77-78

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Chapter 77

The second letter departed, and An Yinong was still sitting in the court hall.

This day, the Jin family sought trouble with the hunter's family, but they were all resolved by the little ghosts who were secretly following.

"How can you prevent thieves for a thousand days..."

The intimidated yamen brought the calf back the next day, and An Yinong spent money to buy pastures, repair the cowshed, and hire a cattle herder. It seemed that he really wanted to raise cattle. Not just talking.

There are also yamen who brought the coes over, and they were placed one by one.

"Yinong wants to raise black cows and roof tiles?" Gu Zhengzhong didn't know what he was raising these two for. What kind of rubber was he raising for the grass with the roots of rubber, so black cattle were not good at farming, and tiles were useless. What are these good for?

"They are useful." An Yinong put down the green tiles in his hand, "After clearing the Jin and Bai families, I will consider reclaiming wasteland. However, the land in Dingsha County is barren. To live a good life, you must have agriculture as the foundation and commerce as the support."

"A businessman?" Gu Zhengzhong had never heard of this theory. In his concept, heavy commerce destroys agriculture.

"Agriculture can provide food and clothing, and commerce can make money. In this year, it is unrealistic to attract others to come and play and generate income. It is better to develop local cash crops or animals like cow."

Meat, eggs, and milk are the nutrients that people in this era need most, and it is a waste of resources to only limit cattle to the breed of 'farming cattle' and not allow slaughtering and trading.

Some inland areas may not be suitable for large-scale cattle raising, but the northwest is suitable. Beef and milk (milk powder) can completely become local economic industries.

In addition, the Chinese also need beef.

Westerners have such a strong physique, and their eating habits have something to do with them. They grew up eating meat.

The neighbor who lived a good life next door changed from vegetarian to meat-eating, and his height grew. It can be seen that meat, eggs, and milk can strengthen a nation. How can he let go of such high-quality meat?

"As for the cows..."

An Yinong laughed and suddenly looked at Gu Zhengzhong: "Sir, look, if I use the name of the head of a county to publish a storybook, will there be anyone?"

"?" Gu Zhengzhong didn't understand at all.

An Yinong just laughed: He doesn't know how modern Succulent is so popular, but if you want to sell something that no one has seen before, you have to 'tell a good story' first.

As long as he loses his face, it is a good gimmick for the magistrate to publish a book. This is a kind of advertisement, so it is not too much for him to promote the products of Dingsha County in the advertisement, right?

Of course, this is all in the future, and the biggest obstacle has not been removed yet.

At this time, the news that the young master Jin Jiabiao was imprisoned had spread throughout Dingsha County. The people of Dingsha County were amazed: the new magistrate dared to wrestle with the Jin family?

The head of the Jin family walked half a circle in the yard, suddenly picked up a vase and smashed it on the ground.

"What a county magistrate of Dingsha!"

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