Chapter 250

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"Is that what's called a druid?" The man in the submarine caught a glimpse of An Yinong in the crowd; he was the only one who hadn't brought any oxygen-absorbing equipment with him and was staying in the water.

This surprised the man. He thought An Yinong had a super strong affinity for animals and the ability to heal them. But he didn't know the man was in this state in the water.

"Does his ability also include adapting to nature?" Legend had it that the selection of druids required them to survive in treacherous natural environments, including forests, grasslands, and fast-flowing rivers ......

"Even so, he's not qualified to call himself a druid." The corner of the man's mouth turned down with a bit of scorn, as the man could directly affect and even destroy nature. In his opinion, destroying nature was undoubtedly more powerful than conforming to it.

While the druid inside saw the druid outside as an imaginary enemy, the druid outside had already thought about the future of this submarine's people.

Before An Yinong's body moved, his consciousness had already appeared beside Little Octopus Boy.

[Little Octopus Boy, is your boy nearby? Please do me a favor.]

The current situation on the surface of the submarine was that the 'monsters' who had previously fought the contestants to death had reached a settlement with the contestants because of An Yinong's presence, and they were now going to look for the 'culprit' together.

Now that the culprit had been found, however, the other party was hiding in a nuclear submarine, and no one knew if it was carrying certain threatening weapons, so they couldn't rush forward and could only enter the 'cold war' phase across the fish.

Now, the images of all this had been transmitted to the sea through the cameras and the people at sea to the organizers, whose office was filled with everyone's faces.

How could something like a nuclear submarine just appear in the hands of terrorists? There must be some country supporting it. Although there was no clear sign of the atomic submarine, those who knew knew.

"Doing something that is not clean and not in the right place." One representative scoffed outright.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. The most important thing right now is to resolve this matter."

"Sure, it needs to be 'solved,' and I'm a little curious that these animals seem to frequent the Asian coastline."

"I guess it's just a coincidence."

The delegates began to 'speak freely' without outsiders in the office. However, those outside the soundproof walls still thought they were negotiating how to rescue the runners.

The fleet people prayed for the runners and hoped that the rescue helicopters would hurry over to deliver warmth.

"God has mercy on all beings, and I hope those who capsized are okay. Luckily, all these animals have had 'rescue' type races before and are accommodating."

"Oh my God, all of you, stop it!" The last delegate slapped the table and stood up, "Look at the video, you guys. What is that? A colorful amusement park light bulb?"

Several people turned their heads in unison to look at the video, the darkened ocean floor with only a few beams of human spotlights. Out of nowhere came a long section of tentacles that flashed multicolored light.

This section of tentacles was just too big, the body surface was streaming with colorful light, and the suckers underneath were particularly spectacular.

Then, more tentacles appeared, and it slowly rolled up the suddenly stagnant nuclear submarine, like rolling a cigar. After that, the giant glowing octopus with a potent deterrent appeared before their eyes.

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