Chapter 198

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The end of the world in the history of the Bug Race? An Yinong's mind flashed through the history books of the Bug Race, and the only thing that could be called the end of the world seemed to be that event.

The earth s core mutated, the original earth s crust liquefied, the plates moved and crashed again, the first, second, and third active volcanoes erupted on the same day, seven major earthquakes occurred on the seabed, tsunamis destroyed countless cities on the shore, high peaks turned into trenches, basins squeezed into mountains, and toxic gases were released ......

If you have to compare it, it's multiplying the intensity of the game trials they've been through before by ten and then erupting them all at once. Erupting a few volcanoes by the way ...... is just that.

"The game designer is the devil, right?" An Yinong mercilessly rebuked bitterly, no wonder the death and injury of the insect race in the plot were so tragic, he initially thought that it was the relationship between the foreign race's adulteration, but he did not expect ah did not expect, his people to kill their people is the most ruthless.

Now is the sixteenth day of the game, and the game party's game interval is calculated by the ability of their players to calculate, so the game party a long time ago prepared fifteen days to let them pass the last level.

"Historically, the Bug Race was able to continue their civilization by building spaceships ahead of time to leave their original star system, and after hundreds of years arrived at the current star field. So for this level, we have to find that one ship too?" Tina stopped the car as it drove into the center of the area.

"It can't be that simple, can it?" An Yinong stepped out of the car as well, and he tilted his head to look at the crisscrossing catwalks, "Going by the game's urbane nature, I think it's more likely that it's making us build a spaceship with our bare hands."

"Eh?!" Tina turned her head in surprise, "Build an airship with your bare hands?!"

Even the viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked, "No way? Letting the players build their airships? It can't be this heartless, right?"

"Hahahahahahahaha ......," the game designer in the control room let out a loud laugh, "Still you know me ah Queen."

That's right, those fifteen days were reserved for the players to 'build a spaceship'.

It would be too easy to just have them search for the airship. Moreover, it was impossible to carry out the purpose of the game - to follow the path of the Bugs' forefathers and retrace the lost history of the Bugs.

"A race that forgets its history will, one day, be completely forgotten by this world." The game designer crossed his fingers together.

"After entering the interstellar world, disturbed and paralyzed by other races with ulterior motives, gradually forgetting that the only way to survive is to fight and become slack."

The ancestors didn't struggle to survive in this way just to let their descendants surrender their right to live to others oh.

Of course, this was only one of the reasons, another reason was that he loved to see people in despair fighting for their lives, it was very beautiful and wonderful.

It wasn't as if he hadn't left anything behind. The stone slabs placed in the treasure chest before could be exchanged for drawings and materials to make an airship. Building the airship was just a formality and wouldn't let these laymen do it.

After all, he wasn't so heartless that he was ready to destroy this planet.

...... Just blowing up this piece of the continent.

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