Chapter 143-144

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Chapter 143

"Little brother, ah, the third sister can be free to marry, it depends on your help."

In this era of the Hong Kong gentry, many girls are 'spoiled', studying and going to school only to marry a good husband, and the two have common topics after the union. But the rules of the He family are not quite the same.

Before the age of twenty-four can not break out, whether men or women, have to stay obedient to the union. The family will continue to enrich you, but others do not think.

And if they break out, it is a different situation, can decide on their career and marriage.

When He Chengjue can marry Li Yufeng to take advantage of this rule, to marry his beloved but hard from a loser to become a young man (although after the change back to the prodigal son).

That's why San started making TV dramas when she was in college, just for the right to 'freely enter into marriage'.

She was a new director, with little experience, and her first film was a failure, but her mentor, Mr. Mei, was a famous director in Hong Kong.

Mr. Mei is a woman who originally studied theater and later made theatrical films. Because he is very talented and willing to work hard, he is now a household name and a great director.

"Mister" is not yet finished, why did you choose this, third sister? Aren't you worried that no one will read it if it's not well drawn later?" A comic that doesn't even have an ending, isn't she worried about exploding a shocking thunderbolt at the end?

Cousin's face immediately appeared the characteristic intoxicated expression of a fan girl: "No, how can Mr. Gu Pan's drawing be bad? I, who never read comics before, loved Mister, and others will surely love it too. It's going to take so long to shoot the TV series, isn't it just right that we're filming while he draws?"

"Assuming it's going to be filmed, are you the main one, or is Mr. Mei the main one?"

Cousin saw An Yinong's expression and knew there was a play: "Mr. Mei will shoot, and I'll learn on the side. Don't worry, I will find the best scriptwriter, cinematographer, and actors."

It is equivalent to a film for field teaching, Mr. Mei has not made a film for a long time after he got older, if this is the model ......

"Third sister I'm the one who is now representing all the rights to both of them. So, can I meet with Mr. Mei and talk it over? It's not that I can't trust the third sister, but the third sister also knows that Yinong and Gu Pan are the two most profitable cartoonists under my banner, so if the TV series is not well made, it will affect the reputation."

The cousin was delighted, it's indeed good to have someone in the court to do things: "Yes, I'll help you contact Mr. Mei. But, little brother ah."

She came over, "Can I meet with Mr. Gu Pan once?"

"Third sister," An Yinong said at length, "if you like an egg, you don't have to like the hen that lays it. Gu Pan' is younger than you and very shy. If he liked meeting people, he wouldn't have entrusted me with the copyright matter."

"You're so stingy, I'm not the kind of buxom girl who plays with 'young boys' hearts'."

A family gathering, actually also came to TV rights, although the cousin's ability is general, she can use the He family's film and television resources, and Mr. Mei sitting, An Yinong is very optimistic.

Such a good thing, of course, to share with the hanging temporary license of the kissing boyfriend.

"Dad, I'm going back to get something."

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