Chapter 1.

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"Are you sure? He seems like trouble..," the delicate voice of a young woman trails off, her small figure perched on the windowsill of the room, her legs swaying back and forth as she admired the starry sky; the moonlight illuminating a small part of the dimly lit room she resided. She turns to give her attention to the silhouette inhabiting the room with her, a book in their hands. "He' interesting individual..," she finished with a slight hum.

"It sounds like you've met before," the figure comments.

The woman hums at the statement, the heels of her feet hitting the wall of the building to further crumble its foundation. "Unintentionally," she revealed with a small smile as she turned her attention over to the shadow figure. "Do you believe he has alternative intentions?" she questions with a raised eyebrow, her legs stopping their swinging.

Echoing the deteriorating walls was the sound of a book being snapped shut, the unknown figure emitting from the shadows to reveal a man dressed confidently in a long purple coat with white fur trim and black cargo pants that had bandages wrapped on the legs, with black boots to complete their attire. Tattooed on his forehead was an upside-down cross that made identifying him easy for the public.

"Who's to say," he vaguely comments with a smile, gazing up at where the woman sat on his windowsill, a hand tucked into his coat pocket and the other clutched around the novel he had been reading. "I suppose we shall investigate in private," he added, giving the female an unmistakable message.

I trust you to handle the matter.

Scoffing, the woman's eyes narrowed on the man as she hopped down from his sill, marching over to where he stood. Despite their height difference, the female's threatening and dominating aura could be felt from a mile away and was something unmatched. "You have me for a reason," she said through gritted teeth, arms crossing.

He chuckles, making his way over to the small round table and chair that were set up in one of the corners of his bedroom, a candle sat on the flat surface to provide light in the room. "How rude of me to forget," the male offers his most trusted comrade an apologetic closed-eye smile, settling into the chair. Under her breath, the female grumbled insults about her friend, ocean eyes trailing to where he was sitting, reading his book, with a growl.

With the conversation pretty much wrapped up, the young woman waltzed over to the bedroom door, momentarily halting her steps to glance over at the man from over her exposed shoulder. "I'll be M.I.A. for a while then. If something comes up, call me," she held up a hand, a silent gesture to bid goodbye as she continued to exit the room, allowing the doors to flutter shut behind her petite figure.

Roaming down the dusty hallways of the abandoned building, she routes her way to the main loft where she knew the other members would be; either playing a game of cards or relaxing before their next assigned mission. Stepping into the open space, the sight of her friends welcomed her; 4 of them sat in a circle, playing a game of cards, 2 were reading a comic and book respectively, and another pair sat discussing something, 1 sat away from the group to wipe down her weapon and the remaining members merely relaxed on a pile of rocks. Among her friends, she knows of one that has succeeded in an upcoming event she knew her assigned target would be attending. The person she was scouting for was easily found sitting among the group of 4, seeing as he was usually the one to offer a game of cards.

"Shal~," her voice resonates in the room, capturing everyone's attention. They watch her figure approach the small group, squatting beside a certain happy-go-lucky blonde who turns to smile at her before returning to his game to throw down a card. "That exam you took...What was it again?" she asked, tilting her head slightly to appear cuter.

Confused by her sudden interest in the exam he previously partook in, the blonde answers the female's questions nonetheless; all while playing his game of cards, the other members listening in to their conversation. "It's called the Hunter Exam. It's held annually," he began by identifying the event for the girl beside him. "They make you go through a series of phases, and if you manage to pass them all..," he dug into his pocket to pull out a small card, showing it to the young lady. "You get a Hunter License," he finished, pocketing the card and throwing a card into the ring.

"And where would one go to attend this exam?" she asked, unfazed by the questioning stare the younger male gave.

"It's disguised as a restaurant in Zaban City. I can send you a map," 'Shal' says, both of them standing up from their spot on the ground. He pulls out his phone and sends the map to the older female. "I just sent it to you. You'll need to order a specific dish so the chef there knows you're taking the Hunter Exam," he added, reciting the dish for the woman who nodded along to his voice.

"Got it. Thanks, Shal~," the female sang, skipping to the exit of the building. Retracting back inside, she calls out to the group with a childish grin. "Oh, and I'll be gone for a while so try not to screw things up for the Boss while I'm gone~!" she waves, chuckling at their exclaims of confusion.

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