Chapter 33.

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Before meeting with Killua, Gon and their new friends at the fountain in front of Heaven's Arena, the Phantom Troupe's Web makes a quick detour to Hisoka's private room where she reminds the man about their group mission in York New and emphasises his expected participation in the mission, which had the magician smirking and questioning her punishing methods if he didn't arrive on time. Illuki rolls her eyes, accustomed to his flirty remarks and sneers a response about killing him on behalf of the entire world, leaving his room with her hair swaying behind her. After their short discussion, the female made her way out of Heaven's Arena and towards the fountain where she spotted her brother and his friends standing beside it, talking and sharing their farewells.

Not wanting to interrupt their moment, the petite woman walked away a few feet from the group, ensuring both Gon and Killua had seen where she was standing before dialling her most-called contact after receiving a missed call from the man during Hisoka's and Gon's brawl. An arm naturally crosses under her chest while she shifts her weight to her left foot, her eyes directing themselves to where the two children were standing talking with Zushi and Wing; the tip of her boot tapping the ground as she waited for the leader to answer.

"Hello," his raspy yet calm voice greets stoically, the sound of a book snapping shut echoing after his voice. The man had been reading one of his many stolen novels when she called though the woman could care less if she had interrupted his time.

"Sorry, the clown had a scheduled fight with his latest obsession," Illuki explained, knowing she usually answered Chrollo's calls when he first rang her; she heard him hum over the phone, an indirect way of him telling her it was fine she had missed his call. "He plans on staying for a while before meeting us. I'll drop off my matters then come to meet with you in the city," she sighs, keeping an eye on her little brother and his friend who waved goodbye to their friend and Nen teacher, approaching the woman with smiles.

"Perfect. We'll discuss the details of the mission once you arrive," Chrollo responds before hanging up the phone.

Illuki playfully scoffs, pocketing her phone in her trenchcoat and lifting her head to grin widely at the duo now standing before her. "So, what's the plan?" she asked her brother who looked up at her with innocent eyes.

"Gon invited me back to his home," Killua explained to his sister who shifted her gaze to the green-themed boy who nodded and grinned from ear to ear. "To Whale Island. Can I go, Nee-chan?" he asked, the older female chuckling and reaching over to ruffle his fluffy white hair.

"Of course! No need to ask me, Kil!" the dichromatic-haired woman says with a closed-eye smile, resting her hands on her waist as she leans slightly down to the two's height. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend. A client of mine called and assigned me a task," she explains to the duo, straightening her back and patting her brother's head upon noticing his sullen expression. "Don't worry. We'll see each other again, sooner than you'd think~ So have fun while you can, okay~?" she winks at her brother who smiles and bobs his head up and down.

Waving goodbye to Gon and Killua as they made their way to the docs, Illuki stared melancholy at their fading figures. "When we meet, Kil...We'll be enemies," she mutters softly to herself, allowing her arm to fall to her side before pivoting on her heel and making her way to the airport in town.

Taking the next flight to York New City, Illuki found herself spending the majority of her time on the plane either relaxing or going through the sheets of printed paper she got from Milluki; scanning through the items being auctioned off this year when her blue eyes halted at a certain image. Two eyeballs floating in clear liquid in separate pillars, their scarlet orbs staring directly back at the female; Illuki stares at the image for a few more seconds, recalling the malevolent aura that surrounded Kurapika whenever he and the others discussed the Phantom Troupe and the blonde's desire to avenge his murdered clan. 'That's right. He should be in town around the same as us because of that clown. I better keep an eye on him and Hisoka then' she thought, flipping the page and continuing to browse the auctioned items before folding the sheets up and stuffing them into her pocket.

Phantom Troupe's WebTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon