Chapter 24.

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"What? You're here on a tourist visa?" Killua learnt Gon hadn't been using his hunter license benefits to ride public transportation under free expenses, the young heir stared at his friend with wide eyes, leaning towards him. "Didn't you pass the Hunter Exam? You could've just used your hunter license. It lets you stay in other countries for as long as you want," he pointed out to the spiky-haired boy who sheepishly smiled.

"That's what we said," besides Gon sat Leorio who deadpanned at the situation, both him and Kurapika sweat-dropping.

Determination pooled Gon's chocolate hues, smile falling into a frown and eyebrows furrowing. "I already decided...I'm not using the license until I've finished what I need to do," the child declared.

"What do you have to do?" Killua asked confusedly.

The green-haired boy pulled out a circular white badge with the number 44 on it, Hisoka's ID tag from the exam, and showed it to the boys around him. "The tag that Hisoka gave me! I'll return it to Hisoka when I punch him in the face! Until I do that I won't use my hunter license. I can't go back to Whale Island either," he explained the situation to the trio.

"How admirable of you~," the group of friend jolt, swiftly turning in the direction of where the voice came from, staring with wide eyes at the female that mysteriously appeared. She rests her arms on the top of Killua's headrest, cheek leaning against the palm of her hand as she peered boringly down at them. "I'd kill to see Hisoka be punched by a kid," she giggled.

Beaming at the presence of his older sister, Killua shifts in his seat and positions himself to face the woman who remained leaning against his seat with a childish grin. "Nee-chan! Are you coming with us?" he asked her excitedly, noticing her change of attire from when they left the estate together.

Illuki removed her arms from the headrest and walked around the seats, settling on a chair beside the quartet of boys, lifting and resting her legs on the chair across from her. She leans her head back, closes her eyes and crosses her arms in front of her stomach and relaxes before rolling her head over to the boys, opening an eye to look at them. "I'll pop in to check on you, but I've got things to do," she told her brother, giving a small shoulder shrug and adverting her attention to the 12-year-old sitting across Killua. "So, do you know where the clown is, Gon?" she asked.

"Thought so..," Leorio sighed after noticing the way Gon froze in his seat at the dichromatic-haired woman's question and the sheepish smile that appeared on the child's face.

Noticing the boy's distress, the blonde of the group sighed, leaning his head back and staring at his feet. "I know where he is Gon. He told me," he informed them, continuing to discuss the whereabouts of Hisoka when Kurapike revealed the information the redhead had shared with him after the orientation the new Hunter had gone through. "He told me...'I have some information for you regarding the spiders'."

'The clown dares to share information?' the female silently raised an eyebrow at the news the blonde had shared, drifting in and out of their conversation, pulling out her phone to message Chrollo about her recent discovery. "The Phantom Troupe?" she hears Leorio question, sweat dripping from his temple at the mention of the notorious gang.

"I do not recall mentioning the Phantom Troupe to Hisoka, so he either overheard our conversation during the first stage or he heard it from another. The spide is the Phantom Troupe's symbol so those familiar with the organisation refer to the troupe as such. There have been rumours of them recruiting a new member; a web," Kurapika explained to his friends. "I was interested in his information. After the orientation, I asked about it. 'I shall await you in York New City on September 1st'," the Kurta survivor recited the magician's words.

"September 1st?" the glass-wearing man wondered.

"Then you've still got over half a year. What's going to happen in York New City?" Gon innocently ask, the ravenette beside him snapping his fingers in realisation but was cut off by the woman sitting beside them.

With a small grin, the former assassin shifts in her position to face the child fully. "It's the day of the world's largest auction. I go all the time to check out the merchandise. Some of the items are pretty interesting and rare," she explained with a light tone.

"From September 1st through September 10th, there will be an auction for unusual items, rare goods and national treasures from around the world. The event attracts all manner of nasty folk who come looking to satisfy their greed. It's the biggest gathering of money in the world," Kurapika further explained.

"So the troupe will be there?" Leorio asked the blonde.

"They're a group of bandits. They would not let this chance escape. So on that day, Hisoka will be somewhere in York New City," the survivor tells his friend.

From beside them, Illuki returns the printed papers to her pocket when she hears the information Kurapika relays to Gon, her eyebrows furrowing at the mention of the troupe's upcoming group mission. 'The boss and I have been working on this mission for a while so the others can complete it. I'll attend to this matter in private' the woman thought, scrolling through her messages, a discrete smirk appearing on her pale face.

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