Chapter 57.

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Back at the Beitacle Hotel, the five troupe members who accompanied Chrollo in chasing the chain user stand in the lobby, waiting for the arrival of the other members. Phinks, Shalnark and Feitain walk through the entrance doors, neither of them pleased with the information about their captured leader; trailing behind them was a petite woman dressed in a pair of black high-waisted, baggy jeans, a black cropped, off-the-shoulders sweater and a pair of black heeled boots. Her dichromatic hair sways in the wind behind her, its length cascading down her back – complimenting her slanted, sharp eyes.

"Explain," Phinks demands upon arriving, stopping in front of the group.

"The lights went out," Shizuku starts, holding Gon by his wrists.

"The boss was taken in that instant," Nobunaga continues, holding Killua in the same manner.

Kortopi extends his arms, lifting the note for Pakunoda to Phinks and Illuki who stood between the brute blonde and Shalnark – her arms crossed under her chest and emerald eyes staring back at the group with displeasure written across her pale face. The tracksuit-wearing male reaches down and takes the paper from the teen, reading it before handing it over to the Web who takes it and scans the message before crumbling it up.

"Why didn't you go after him immediately?" Feitan asks the group, his hands tucked into the packers of his long, dark trenchcoat.

"Machi and Paku were injured."
"He has allies who are pro Hunters."

"Read between the lines!" Nobunaga yells at the short ravenette, annoyed by his short response. "It proves we can use these kids as hostages. If we give chase and let them escape, it's over! The chains that Uvo couldn't break probably captured the boss. He can't escape on his own."

"Probably?" Phinks asks.

"I told you! There was a blackout!" the samurai defends. "By the time our eyes adjusted, the boss was gone. We weren't in any condition to move."

Shalnark defuses the argument, his hands raised and pushing slightly to calm the samurai. "Okay, we can assign blame later. For now, we need a plan," his head turns to the woman standing next to him, he smiles at her and tilts his head. "Illu-chan?"

Illuki huffs, her arms falling to her sides as she glances over at each member. "He's bound to call back and negotiate for his friends back," the female began, starting to walk away from the group but halting, turning to look back at them from over her shoulder. "The boss is the least of his concerns at the moment but given this opportunity, I wouldn't doubt that the chain user would put the boss under some type of condition that prevents him from fighting back," she voices her opinions before walking away to a private area.

She glances back at the group, counting heads to ensure no one has followed her; she lets out a soft sigh while closing her eyes and activates her aura, a soft white glow encasing her body. A luminous green summoning circle appears beneath her feet and a gust of wind blows up and flares out her long, split-coloured hair, her eyes snap open to reveal glazed emerald eyes and two transparent snakes slithering across her arms. Through a misty vignette, she glances around to find the leader chained in a car and the chain user sitting beside him – his accomplices seated in the front seats of the vehicle. She hums to herself softly, listening to their conversation.

  "Five years ago, were you the leader when the Troupe slaughtered the Kurta of the Scarlet Eyes?" Kurapika interrogates the silent man. Fury takes over his body raises his hand and points a mini dagger attached to a chain to the ravenette, his scarlet eyes visible. "Answer me!"

  "Are those the chains you used to kill Uvo?" Chrollo asks, looking over from the corner of his eye. "What were Uvo's last words?" he asks the blonde.

  "I don't remember."

   "You're lying. Am I right, Miss?" the leader asks Melody, feeling the phantom movement of a snake crawling over his shoulder. "I can relate. I feel the same way. I have nothing to say to you," he turns his head slightly, taunting his capturer.

  "Kurapika, he's trying to provoke you! Don't fall for it!" Leorio calls out from the driver's seat.

Illuki returns to reality, blinking away the tears that began welling in her eyes, the summoning circle dissipates and the hues of her eyes shift from blue to green; a string of giggles leaves her rosy lips as she skips back towards her comrades, her hands linking behind her as she approaches them with a giddy smile. 'Things are getting interesting!~'

As she comes back to the group, they hear a phone ringing; Phinks reaches into his pockets and pulls out his phone, noticing the caller ID. "It's the boss," he announces, surprising the others but their Web who hums, wanting to snatch the device from its owner when the brute answers the call – pressing the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"I have three demands. The general rule is that you will do as I say. If you don't obey, I will kill your leader immediately," Kurapika takes charge of the situation, making his demands known to the other Spiders and their Web. "First, don't come after us. Second, do not harm the two hostages. Third, put Pakunoda on the phone."

"Can I ask you something first? It's about the second demand," Phinks interrupt the demands of the chain user. "The two hostages put up a struggle and we had to break a few bones," he lies, smirking to see what kind of reaction he would receive.

"Then we're done negotiating."

Phinks sweat-drops when the call is hung up and dials back, "sorry, I was lying. Both of them are unharmed."

"This is your last chance. Don't mess around. Put Pakunoda on the phone now."

The brute blonde hands over the phone, his body is then pulled away and is struck on the head by Machi and Nobunaga for his instigating behaviour. A few meters away from the assault, Pakunoda holds the phone to her ear with her uninjured arm – Feitan and Illuki standing close enough to hear their conversation.

"You are the only one allowed to hear what I say. Move away from the others," Kurapika demands, the short-haired blonde turns to the pair and shakes her head – signalling them that eavesdropping wouldn't work. Feitan clicks his tongue, glaring at the air while Illuki nods, jerking her head to the staircase. "Did you make contact with a man named Squala? Are you aware of a woman named Melody? Then this will be quick."

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