Chapter 51.

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"Since it's called a 'sword of law', it must involve rules he has to follow," Franklin says, the Phantom Troupe members glance over at where Hisoka stood with a hand resting on his hip.

"Yes, he's probably being forced to follow the orders Chrollo talked about," Shalnark theorises, staring at the redhead. "He's probably barred from attacking the chain user as well. And he'd probably die if he broke his promise," he followed up the theory.

Illuki tilts her head to the side, psycho-analysing the magician; she takes in his posture, the micro-facial expressions he makes and the subtle perverted aura that shrouds his body. The room falls into a tense silence before the not-so-innocent Shizuku lifts the piece of paper she was holding up, looking down at the scripture and addressing the group.

"What about Hisoka's second poem?" she asks them, proceeding to recite the verse out loud. "The eleven-legged spider grows homesick, losing five more legs. Do not leave your temporary shelter, for you are one of those legs," the raven-haired woman reads before looking back up from the paper.

"If he leaves our temporary shelter, this hideout, then Hisoka will die," Shalnark explains, raising a finger.

"Good riddance," the troupe turns to the female assassin who disregards their stares; she leans her head back and silently groans before lifting her head and narrowing her eyes at the lot. "If we leave, half of you will die," she bluntly concludes, knowing what the fortune meant after Shizuku recited the passage.

Chrollo breaks the tension, directing their eyes to him. "Uvo, Hisoka, Shizuku, Pakunoda, Shalnark. One more for half the members...No one else's fortune predicted their death?" the ravenette asks the group.

"Then it has to be Feitan, Kortopi or me. We didn't get our fortunes told because we lacked the data and Iris didn't want her fortune to be taken," Phinks tells the ringleaders, the mentioned woman bobbing her head cutely in agreement.

"I'm staying here," Hisoka declares, sitting down on a crate by the wall, where he previously sat. "There's something I wish to do before I die. I will not be leaving our 'temporary shelter'."

Shalnark looks at him for a moment before turning his gaze to the pair sitting on the crates. "Boss, Illu-chan – what should we do?" the blonde asks.

Chrollo remains still, unmoving with his head hung slightly as he thinks; Illuki sits silently beside him, observing him. She could voice her opinions but the final decision would be made by the Phantom Troupe's leader and she would follow his authority.

"Let's stay," he states, looking up at the members.

Illuki grins, hopping off the crate she sat on and clapping her hands loudly to obtain her comrades' attention. "Now then~! I think we all need a break from that morbid discussion," she begins, pivoting on her heels to face the leader – offering a closed-eye smile as she grabs in hand and pulls him to his feet. "Let's go out for a walk, Boss~! Don't wait up~!" a Cheshire grin graces her lips as she drags the taller man out of the hideout, the member of the troupe watching the pair with amusement.


"London's bridge is falling down~ London's bridge is falling down~," the Zoldyck female sings, skipping ahead of the stoic leader with her arms extended slightly like a penguin as she waddles around in the rain; she hums the remainder of the nursery rhyme to herself, jumping into puddles of rainwater while child-like giggles escape past her lips. The female was lost in her own world, disregarding the man who trails after her with a small amused grin.

"Iris, where are you taking me exactly?" the ravenette asks causing the woman to halt her childish manner, shifting to look back at him from over her shoulder.

A wide grin appears on her pale face, twisting back around to lead him through the streets of the city. "To get food, what else?" she says, stopping in front of a popular establishment and glancing at the male who stands beside her. "Besides, I couldn't have this conversation with the others around," she adds, looping an arm with his and leading him into the cafe, smiling at the greeting staff.

"What's wrong?" Chrollo asks, walking over to a table by the front window; he slips into the booth and looks over at the woman who rests her elbows on the table, intertwining her fingers together to create a perch for her chin to rest on. "Does this regard the task I gave you when you left for the Hunter Exam?" he questions.

"Hisoka joined to fight you," the dichromatic-haired woman confirms, the corners of her lips falling as her blue eyes direct themselves out the window to the rainy city, admiring the view. "I have doubts about his fortunes and its legitimacy. If he wants to fight you, what are the odds that he didn't forge his fortunes to ensure you'd stay in the city? Hisoka is highly skilled in Nen and he's able to use his abilities in ways that we don't know," Illuki voices her concerns, looking back at Chrollo with a frown as she thinks back to the magician's secret meeting with Kurapika.

The slick-back ravenette hums in thought, nodding along to her words. "That is a strong possibility. What do you suggest we do about it?" he asks the woman, knowing she would've at least thought about a plan regarding the concern.

"Do you trust me?"

author's note !

hey guys!
this is a pretty short chapter but i just wanted to tell you guys that updates from now on will be irregular until further notice because the school year has started and i am accustoming myself to a new class schedule.
hope you guys like the chapter :D

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