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"THAT WAS THE WORST THING EVER!" Tommy explains as he and Faye walks out of math class, turns out that math quiz wasn't sometime this week, it was actually today and the boy had forgotten to study for it while the girl winged it as she was alright at maths.

"That's on you," Faye laughs at his misery as they walk to Chemistry. "Can't believe you forgot about it."

He pouts. "You don't have to be so mean to me." He watches her roll her eyes and continue waking a small smile on her face, it made him feel a tingling feeling grow in his chest.

"Oh, stop being a big baby." She replies back with as they met Johnny, Bobby and Dutch while entering the class.

"Who's being a big baby?" Dutch asks confused at what he'd just heard, he watches as Faye points her thumb in Tommy's direction as he gave her an offended look.

"Faye's bullying me." He says walking to his chair as the said girl sat next to an amused Susan.

She turns around and looks over a few rows at the childish boy, "I was just stating facts." She then turns back to face the board, but as she was doing this she caught eyes with Ali who then looked towards Daniel and asked him something, but he was too focused on Faye and his bullies conversation – and was ignoring Ali after he was the one who spoke to her like shit, Faye turns to the teacher who walked in. Her heart ached at the betrayed look Daniel had shot her, she eyes him for a few more times, though he was no longer looking at her.

Susan touched her arm and gave her a questioning glance, Faye looks back at her friend with a tight lipped smile and turned once more before writing down what was on the board. The dark haired girl next to her glared over at the boy, and offered Ali a smile before writing down the notes.

Faye smiles when she heard the sound of snickering come from behind her, she glanced at Susan who wiggled her eyebrows at her. They both quickly put their heads down when the teacher glanced back and glared at the class – eyeing everyone down before jotting down things from the textbook onto the whiteboard. She could hear Tommy's loud whisper tell them about the conversation they both had making their way here, she shakes her head, god, she had forgotten how dramatic the boy was.

"Hey, Faye." Susan whispers capturing her attention once more, "we're going to Ali's after school, you wanna come?"

"You mean come and tell you some juicy details about the boys, huh?" She said smirking at her friends, she knew them all too well.

The dark haired girl put her hands up, "you caught us, but still...will you come?" She asks.

"I'd love to!" She says, "I have nothing better to do, so let's do this." Susan cheers and glances over at Ali with a wink while the blonde silently cheers in her head, a small smile planted on her face. Finally, she wants to hear what's going on.

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