Chapter 8

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I wake up and I barely slept last night with all the thoughts running through my head and I head downstairs to see Blair dressed and making me a late breakfast

"Hey you didn't have to do that!" I say

"I mean look at the time I could tell by you not waking up it's going to be ruff day for you" she says

"I mean yeah I'm meeting my child and his legal guardian" I say

"Henrie I get it super shocking and you weren't expecting it but that your son's mom from what Kleo explained to us don't go calling her legal guardian" she says

"You're right I just can't control my emotions I need to reel it in but the food is delicious I needed it" I tell her

"Yeah no problem now let's go before you're late to the Cafe" he says

I get In the car and I'm so nervous part of me honestly doesn't want this to be real I'm in my thoughts so much we arrive in a blink of an eye

"How am I supposed to know what she looks like?" I say to Blair

"Well I'm guessing she will walk up to you since she knows what you look like and heck she saw Kleo yesterday so let me walk in first" she says

"Yeah I don't need it to be obvious that my lil sister tagged along since she doesn't take no for an answer" I say

"I'm just supportive bye bro see you after and be nice don't be a dumbass" she says

I finally decided to walk in 5 minutes after Blair just to make sure it looks like we did not come in together I grab the door handle and start to look around for what I don't even know what she looks like I finally feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to look

"Hi are you Henrie Archibald?" she ask

"Yes and you must be Rylee right?" I say to her and she nods her head

"Let's grab that corner table" I tell her and we walk over

"This is awkward" I say and we both laugh

"Yeah I'm sorry we're meeting under these circumstances I just thought you should know" she says

"Its alright so Dash is living with you now?" he says

"Yes I mean Dash has been in my life before he was 1 years old" I tell him

"So how did this happen exactly I mean Ashley never told me we had a son together" he says

"Well when me and Ashley reconnected she explained to me that she tried multiple times to get in contact with you about Dash but she could never get through so she raised him" I say

"Mhmm I never got anything I would of picked up for a child my own kid I mean it's allt to take in after not knowing about him for 8 years. did you know the whole time?" he says

"I mean i knew that she tried to get in contact with you but she never told me your name no matter how much I tried asking but when she sadly passed the lady gave me the birth certificate and I came straight to you" I say

"I understand so what does Dash call you?" he ask

"Um well I've been with him since he was a baby so even until this day he calls me mommy" I say

"Didn't Ashley get upset with that or take it as a disrespect since she's his birth mom" he says

"No actually I tried my best to get him to change it but when dash has his mind set thats really it he'd just laugh and shake his head and go back to saying mommy" I say

"I'm surprised most mothers would fight it but seems like you guys were good friends I guess" he says

"It seems like it upsets you that he calls me that" I say

"No it's just very confusing to me I just don't know anything about you or my child and he calls you mommy what did he call his actual mother" he says

"You know Henrie I'm a very patient person but you are coming off really rude he still until this day calls Ashley Mom he knows I'm not forcing him to do anything" I say

"I'm not trying to be rude you are just assuming things right now which is not surprising" he says

"Is that a tone of you saying because I'm black because that's not what I'm guessing" I say

"Why bring in race into it I didn't bring it up if my mother was here she'd say people like you would say that" I say

"Knowing your mother I'm sure instead of women she means black people I mean clearly she's pretentious and other things look like one act like one huh" I say

"Should I say you're ghetto because of the way you dress you can't just say shit like and you have no right to judge when you're not even close to my family status" he says

"What the hell is that supposed to mean you know I didn't have to be here I could've just continued with me and Dash lives and I'm honestly starting to regret it" I say

"I mean if we're being honest we don't know if I'm actually the father till a paternity tesg and technically hes your adopted son I hope you aren't trying to make him forget his mother" he says

"You are such a pretentious asshole no wonder everyone hates your family I see why and you know what you can't take away how I feel about dash hes my son I'd move mountains for him and trust I will because I'm here talking to your ass" I almost yell

"How about we start with the rest because clearly we don't have much in common and raising a child wouldn't be a walk in the park for either me or you" he says

"Whatever I'll see you tomorrow please be out of sight when me and my son walk in I don't need him seeing someone whose clearly not sure of him and you know what asshole here is a picture of him I brought for you even though you don't even deserve to bat an eyelash at him let alone get a glimpse of him" I say slam the picture on the table and storm out so heated

Henrie POV

I look down at the picture while Blair comes up to sit with me 5 minutes later

"So how was that?" She ask

"If you want the truth a complete mess" I say

"Did you fuck up because I do love uou but I'm sure she was nothing but nice" Blair says

"Blair you're my sister supposed to be on my side but yes I did I was heated angry so took it out on her now lie" I say

"You know I understand it's hard for you but she's going through it too what did you say" she ask

"Um well I accused her of being someone who assumes, I also told her she's trying to get Dash to forget his mother by calling her mommy, I told her she maybe lying about the child being mine even though I could feel it in my bones she wasn't lying, I asked for a paternity test and I never really asked about the kid I basically was just an ass" I say

"Then why would you do that if you knew you were wrong I mean do you know want to be in Dash's life?" she ask

"I'm mad that I had a child out there and I didn't know about, and she doesn't fit in my world Blair neither do I went her too I can already see we will never get along" I say

"Well you have to for Dash that's his mom and you can't change that you need to work with her of you'll lose more years with your kid" she says

"Whatever let's go I need sleep" we get home and I shower and pull my laptop and see an email from her thank God to make this miserable day better I open it and read

Hello handsome,

When we talk about horrible days this one takes the cake I used to think baby daddy drama was a joke but it is absolutely not I'm going to go insane.... I'm pretty sure after you read I have son you'll not want to continue talking but I wanted to confide in you but you are my first thought of feeling better so I hope I'll wake up to your words.... Or it'll be one sided of a great year for me

Your mystery woman

I read and smile and we're so alike we both had a terrible day and the child actually doesn't scare me since my life is changing its a gain that she's good with kids since I'll be lost man I really want to meet her and I get to typing

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