Chapter 34

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Rylee was getting ready for her night with Henrie, but her mind was filled with mixed emotions. She couldn't help but notice Henrie's belongings scattered around the house as she prepared herself for the evening. It was a stark reminder of how intertwined their lives had once been.

As she stood in front of the mirror, carefully applying her makeup, Rylee couldn't help but notice a picture of her and Henrie from their last date night together. It was a bittersweet moment, as memories of their happy times flooded her mind, All Henrie's changes and his commitment to be a good boyfriend and father.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, Henrie walked into the room with a warm smile. He wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered, "You look breathtaking, Rylee." His touch sent shivers down her spine, but at the same time, it made her question his intentions.

"Henrie," Rylee said softly, looking into his eyes. "I can't help but notice your things all over the house. When was the last time you went home?"

Henrie paused for a moment, a distant look in his eyes. "Honestly, I can't remember," he replied with a shrug. "Ever since we decided to give our relationship another chance, I've been spending most of my time here with you and Dash. This is where I want to be, Rylee."

Rylee's heart fluttered at his words. "Henrie, it seems like you moved in here, and we talked about taking things slow, but this is the complete opposite."

"This is the slowest I can offer you, baby. Because if it was up to me, you would've taken me up on my offer already, and we would have already moved into my house. I'm surprised you let us tell Dash so early," Henrie says.

"We had to tell Dash, especially since you woke up every morning in your PJs, making sure he would notice. And Dash is too nosy," Rylee said.

"Okay then, both of you move in with me. Heck, if you don't want to move into my place, let me buy another house for us. This is forever, Rylee. We are about to have baby number two, and as soon as we do, I'm already planning on immediately getting married and us having another baby," Henrie says.

"You work quickly, sir," Rylee says.

"Don't you want me, Rylee? Don't you want us to be forever?" Henrie asked, holding his breath.

"Of course I do, but I'm just saying we did the opposite of what we talked about," Rylee says.

"Baby, we've done everything the opposite since day one. We have an 8-year-old son together, one on the way, and I love our life together."

"We need more space, Henrie. I can't deal. There is no way this baby is going to fit in here with your stuff, mine, and Dash," Rylee says.

"Okay, baby, house hunting when? Tomorrow, bright and early?" Henrie asked.

"Henrie, you are not paying for this house by yourself. I already told you I'm keeping my career. I don't want or need you to maintain me," Rylee says.

"I know, and I love that about you. So, tomorrow, can we go house shopping?" Henrie says.

"Uh, yes, after we pick up Dash from school," she says.

"Great! So, we spend all day making love, then we get our son and find our forever home. I want you naked all day, baby, no clothes," Henrie says.

"I didn't say anything about making love, Henrie. And I am not walking around my house all day naked. I am a grown woman," Rylee says.

"Baby, you know I will win with your hormones. You see, my side makes sense," he says, kissing her neck and then turning to suck on her lips. She groans and pushes him to the side.

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