Chapter 20

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I wake up the next morning and try my best not to steer I'm not ready to face Henrie and deal with what happened last night or explaining how we're tangled all up on each other under these sheets

"Good morning Rylee" he says and my legs twitch and I hold my breath

"I guess there's no point in pretending I'm sleeping huh" I say

"No I know you are awake and there's no reason for you to feel awkward" he says 

"I just having hard time making this easy" I say

"It is easy Ry it just floats between us it has since we first started talking online so it's no surprise and it was amazing can't wait to continue and more" he says

"I just don't want it to complicate things and we have Dash to think about I don't want him to be happy and then it ends and he sad" I say

"Don't think so negatively why do you have to say it ends and Dash will always have to parents who love him no matter what happens between us that will never change" he says

"You're right okay I'm just scared" I say

"Were you scared last night did you not enjoy it?" he ask and I can tell he's worried

"No I was super comfortable and it was amazing now don't get a big ego" I say

"I am amazing ry and so are you and I had a great time now go get dressed and head downstairs we've hid in here long enough your parents going to come up here and get us!" He says and smacks my ass

When we are done getting ready we head down and you can here Chatter and music so we head down and I see my parents and Dash comes running towards

"There you are mommy and dad gramps was asking for you you took forever!" he says

"Oh sorry bud we didn't leave the party as early as you and grandma so we slept longer" I say

"Rylee you look beautiful baby girl I hope this weekend has been easy and Henrie good to see you too" he says

"Good to see you too sir so glad you made it!" Henrie says

"Hi daddy you've missed so much lucky you" i say laughing

"Ahh Rylee your mom was telling me about it are you having fun?" he ask

"Daddy we both know the answer to that but not much has changed I'm just glad it's the last day here if I'm honest so where is the princess?" I ask

"Your sister is walking over now"!mom says

"Daddy finally you are here how could you just make it to the last day of my fun weekend" she already starts whining

"He had to work Alicia which is a normal thing" I say sarcastically

"Honey why don't you introduce me to the man you are marrying instead of this okay" he says and I laugh

"Fine this is my fiance Richard he's a scientist isnt that amazing baby this is my daddy he and my mom have been married for 35 years just like we will be" she says

"Ahh I didn't know she was psychic that's cute I wish you the best" I say and Henrie shakes his head

"Well maybe you don't know because your love isn't real I mean everyone can spot the difference sis between you too!" she says

"Now listen Alicia don't make me embarrass you infront of your man that doesn't know you because what keeps you here are what he benefits you and I know you aren't comparing you to real love when you were a hoe and gold digger ever since I can remember everyone knows once princess act is over you are out the door" I tell her while my dad speaks to her husband to be

"You are so rude I love him and you are just jealous!" she says

"Girl about what I don't want your man or your life here that keeps stuck in your same stupid ways you've been all your life I love my life and I wouldn't trade it for the dingy small town that we grew up in with your stupid ass friends at the end of day Alicia you are jealous and always have been because you are greedy" I  say
And walk away and go join dash and Henrie at the table they moved too

I finish drinking my mimosa and Dash taps me on my leg and I look at him he's in between me and his father

And he starts to tell us of all the fun he's been having this morning with his grandparents and how he started learning the moves on the dance floor and how he can't wait to show us

"That's so cool bud I bet you will charm everyone with those moves" Henrie says

"I already do dad it comes so easy a good personality like I have is key" he says and then laughs

"Whoa slow down there lil man everyone will fall in and you can't give all the secrets I taught you" I say laughing and he does too

"Dad are you coming home with us since you and mom are dating?" he ask

And I almost spit my entire drink on the table and I freeze because I don't know what to say

"Yes buddy I will dropping you and your mom off just like I picked you both up thats what gentlemen do!" Henrie says

" That's not what I asked dad I meant are you sleeping over staying over for good!" he ask

"Dash me and your dad are figuring things out no rush in anything" I say playing with his hair

"Okay I get that but are you dating each other?" He asked again

"I like your mom dash and I think she likes me that's where we are but nothing will change for you regardless what happens between us" Henrie says

"Okay cool you both are cool so have fun I'm gonna go eat now I really wish Rome was here though" he says

"How about when we go home tonight I'll call your uncle and set up a play date for both of you!" Henrie says

"Cool thanks dad" he says and runs off

"I see what you mean by him keeping you on your toes that son of ours" he says

"Haha yes he does but he's the sweetest just very curious" I say laughing

"So Ry are we dating? do you like me?" He ask

"I like online you i have for quite a while more than a year" i say

"And online me is the real me so yes!!" He says then just looks into my eyes and plays with my hand and then starts speaking
"how about we eat and get home it's been a long weekend!" He says

"I know I saw you this weekend and You can say that times a million I ask myself if I can actually come to wedding I think this is enough" I say laughing
And we walk to the food table and I look at him

" are you ready to face the real world?" I say

"I've been real this whole time Ry there should be no difference one step and don't look back" he says

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