Chapter 9

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Eating breakfast with Dash and hearing how yesterday went with grandma and grandpa and all his favorite things he talks about is my new favorite ways to spend my mornings my life has chenged quite a bit but he makes it better once done I wash our dishes and then ask him to go get dressed

"Where are we going mommy?" He asked

"We're going to the doctors then the movies" I say

"The movies sound fun but is my doctor going to be better then my last" he ask

"I'm sure he will be fun and nice what was wrong with the old one?" I question

"He was old boring and slow me and mom used to be there all day" he says sighing

"We won't be there that long I promise if we get there fast enough" I say

"Fine I'll be dressed and ready before you race you" he ask laughing

"Oh you're so on lil man let's go" up those stairs and we both race to get done once we're done he did win and we hopped in the car and took a drive to the doctors for this paternity test

Once we enter I just walk up to the floor of Kleo office and knock like he asked but as I'm exiting the elevator with Dash I see the Siblings and my heart starts speeding up I told him to not be there when dash comes since he doesn't seem to care anyways but oh well I guess things had a change of plans

"Hello Rylee it's nice seeing you!" Henrie says

"Hello Henrie fancy seeing you here!" I say

"Yes I had a complicated day sorry" he says

"So Rylee this must be dash hello I'm your new doctor Kleo" he says

"Hello doctor Kleo you're young like my mommy not like my old doctor he was boring" Dash says

Everyone laughs even me and Henrie and our eyes connect for a moment and then I turn away

"Dash this is Henrie and his sister Blair!" I says

"You guys have blue eyes like me cool and nice to meet you" he says

"Yes we could basically be in a blue eyes club" Henrie says

"I'm only in clubs with cool people. Are you cool?" He ask

I almost bust out laughing because if only Dash knew how uncool and annoying his father was in my eyes but if it's about looks I can't lie he is good to look at if you past the asshole

"I hear that I am so maybe we can just start by being friends" Henrie says

"Mommy do you think he's cool?" Dash ask looking up at me

"I would say he is but I definitely think you'll be the cooler one in the Friendship" I say

"Of course I'm the coolest everyone says that and sure I can give you a chance Mr. Henrie" he says

"Okay bud let's go have your check up shots then we can go remember our movie" I say
And we walk in with Kleo and Henrie whispers in my ear hell be out waiting in the lobby

We walk in and Dash jumps up on the laybed and he talks with Kleo like he's known him for a long time and Kleo makes jokes with him and he's into alot of what Kleo son is into so it's easy for him to relate I can tell Kleo is a great father I wonder if Henrie can be one too I mean if he doesn't it's alright because I will be there for my son if any issues happen

My mind starts to float away I'm in shock when Kleo says he's done and the results will be in soon and Dash ask for my phone so he can't play games while Kleo stepped out but my nerves are all over to Place so I have no issues letting him play what if he's not Dash's father and I did all this for nothing ughh but they do look alike I can see it or my mind is playing tricks on me 20 minutes I have to go the bathroom so I take Dash with me and when we return I see Henrie up next to Kleo and Blair so I walk up

"Sorry I was in the bathroom did I miss anything" I say

"Dash I have these amazing Pokémon cards do you wanna see them?" Blair ask

"Super Cool yeah can I go with her mommy?" he ask

"Yes don't go to far but have fun I'll be there shortly" I say and watch them walk to a seating where I can clearly view them

"So I rushed the results but it's pretty easy to tell but yes Dash is your son Henrie" and he shows the paper and all the different things they test to see that he is the biological father  I look at Henrie to see if he's upset but I can't get a read he's just stoic ugh I hate this man

"I'll let you both talk to each other privately" Kleo says and walks away

"Well I'm excited to get to know my son just sad that I missed 8 years prior" he says

"I can understand that and I know I couldn't do anything about it but I am sorry for you it's hard" I say

"Its going to be hard for both of us we're not changing our lives but his too" Henrie says

"Yes you are right" I say

"I wanted to apologize to you Rylee for my behavior at our lunch my emotions were everywhere but I had no right to take it out on you" he says

"I accept your apology Henrie I just want to make this work for Dash" I say

"I would like to tell him like real soon that I'm his father tommorow even I don't want to miss out on any more time with him" Henrie says

"I understand sure where would you like to meet Dash is smart I'm sure he'll catch on quickly if we wait to long and I don't want him to think I was keeping a secret from him" I say

"I could meet the both of you at  wildscoops ice cream place and we could take a walk on the park how does 1pm sound for you?" he ask

"That's good I'll meet you there" I say smiling at him

"Um I will be telling my parents tonight" he says

"Okay I hope it goes good for you it's the right thing to do no need for more people to be blindsided like you were" I say

"Have a good day Rylee" he says

"You too" and I walk and grab dash and say good bye to Blair and Dash starts to tell me about the Pokémon cards

Henrie POV

I walk into Kleo office and Blair joins us

"So, how do you feel?" Kleo ask

"Well I'm in, shock I have a kid but I'm excited to be in, his life but nervous and well there's the other thing" I say

"Those are normal feelings but he seems like a good kid and reminds me so much of your spunky attitude when you were his age" Kleo says

"I think he's adorable and sweet I'm so excited to have another nephew" Blair says excitedly

"Whats the other thing?" Kleo asked

"Well I'm, telling mom and dad tonight so that should be fun and #2 dealing with a woman I mean especially one I have no connection or idea how to work with her if it was Ashley it'd be easier from what I remember her as but sounds like she's not the girl I dated I really don't know im confused" I say

"I think she's beautiful and maybe get to know her" Blair says

"Okay but how do we raise a kid together like she has custody now but will it be forever I want to be around my son and not at orders if you get what I'm saying" I say

"Take it one step at a time little brother Rylee isn't trying to dictate you she wants you in y'all son's life work together not against her" Kleo says

"I'm not trying to but you know what comes with being in our family paparazzi will be everywhere once this gets out" I say

"Deal with the biggest problem mom and dad" they both say and I sigh just thinking about it

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