Chapter 26

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It's been four months and Rylee hasn't spoken more then two words to me unless it has to do with Dash and I can't even remember when I saw her and it's killing me I miss her so much I can't keep doing this but today was I'll get the chance since she said she will be dropping off Dash over my house and I'm getting out the shower and changing when the doorbell rings   and I race to the door and open

"Hi dad" Dash says hugging me and I look but don't spot Rylee

"Hi buddy how are you? And where is your mom?" I ask

"I'm good dad I'm gonna get ready for baseball" he says and I'm about to close the door sighing and being upset

"I'm right here" she says and my eyes pop and I smile

"Ry! It's so good to see you" I say stuttering god she's beautiful God I miss her so much

"Henrie... here's our son bookbag should I pick him up or will you drop him off" she says

"Ry are you really going to talk to me like it's business deal you can't be serious I haven't heard a word from you in four months" I say

"Can you just say Rylee please and I'm not sure what you want from me?" she says

"A conversation dammit I fucked up I know but I miss you you know that I've said it to you everyday multiple times a day for the past four months" I say

"Okay I received them Henrie but that doesn't mean much to me you clearly said we're great at co parenting so that's what I'm doing" she says

"That's what you are doing by avoiding coming in or making me pick him up and have him run to my car Ry that's you avoiding me and why are dressed so nicely where are you going?" I ask her

"I've been busy Henrie my responsibility is Dash and he's good I make sure of that and make sure you get time with him so me and you are fine were communicating and not that I need to tell you but a date so goodbye before I don't make it and don't you dare do what I think you've been doing" she says

"A date that's not something you do when you're in a relationship do you care about how I feel Ry and as for what I've been doing I have no idea what you're talking about" I say acting stupid on the last part

"I care just as much as you did on that interview and I have nothing more to say then that and I'm not stupid Henrie I know you interfere especially when you don't get your way so please stop" she says annoyed

"Dammit Ry I told you I froze and got nervous okay but I didn't mean i don't want to be with anyone else but you.. You've been it for me before we even met and now what just pretend it's dead or non existent" I say frustrated

"I don't really care Henrie I have to go and as for what you are going to do I have no clue nor care goodbye enjoy your evening" she says and hops in her car and drives away

I walk back inside feeling a little defeated and a little crushed but it's okay I'm not stopping or giving up on us so I get on my phone and call my security guard
And it rings twice before he picks up

Hello boss what's up he asks

Lawrence I need you to follow her again and ruin it again make sure you do I say

Alright sir but I'm sure she has a clue by now Lawrence says

Oh of course but I don't care and make sure you get me details thank you my man I say

No problem boss you know your my fave but nuts you are he laughs and we hangup

I hear Dash run downstairs and look at me

"I'm ready dad" he says

"Alright bud let's go" I say ruffling his hair and smile even though I'm sad I can't share this Rylee but it's alright I'll get her back and we will be a family


I drive to my mom house upset and slam the door and walk in surprised when I see Camille and my mom in the kitchen together

"Hey momma and hey Cami what brings you by?" I say

"Remember your mom watched Rome for me today since you were on out on your date but you should still be out by now" she says laughing

"Oh shit thats right I'm sorry and I don't even want to talk about can I scream disaster" I say and putu head on the table

"Honey what happened I thought you said the last 3 dates went great" mom ask

"Mama I thought they're great he was gentleman and everything we got along and laughed all night but today he literally came up to me and said or dinner is cancelled because he's not into me anymore and left I was left dumbfounded no words or was I at least given an explanation" I say

"That's weird" camille says

"No it's not I know what it is it's Henrie just like the ones before this one all liked me enough to talk and once the date came they fell of he basically admitted it today he makes no sense he song let me be" I say

"Well he definitely loves you Rylee but he's definitely an idiot I will agree on that" camille says

"Well has a crazy way on showing and then goes and just fucking up every chance I have in moving on like what!" I say

"You both are playing games you're keeping a secret from him too don't forget" momma says

"I told you I'd tell him just not yet I haven't even checked please don't bring it up and try to give him a point what he did was beyond fucked up mom" I tell her

"I'm not saying what he did is right but currently he's not the only one whose doing something messed up!" she says

"I mean true Rylee you gotta tell him especially for Andre before extravaganza" camille says

"I will I'm not delusional neither would I go that far but you haven't told Kleo right?" I ask nervously

"No I am keeping my promise and I haven't told Henrie anything about you even though he begs everyday" She says

"Thanks" I say and just sigh and eat the food they prepared for me and all I can think is god I hate Henrie Archibald

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