Chapter 25

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It had been a couple of weeks since Rylee and I had started spending a lot of time together. My siblings had also been spending time with her, and even Andre had come to visit. Tonight, I was excited because I had been awarded as one of the top CEOs in the US. However, I was also nervous because we were all being invited to be interviewed on national television.

As I got ready, Rylee came out of the bathroom, smiling and looking beautiful.

"Are you ready, handsome? I'm so happy for you," she said, smiling and kissing me.

"Thank you. I'm excited too, but I can't lie, I'm nervous," I told her.

"Well, we will all be there to support you. You'll do great, I know it, no doubt," she said.

We walked downstairs and saw Dash looking sharp in his suit.

"Dad, you are going to be on TV. That's so cool," he said, hugging me.

"Yeah, it should be really something. And look at you, lil man, you look so good," I said.

"Thanks," Mom said. "I always look good like you," I agreed, laughing.

"Ahh, so your mom tells you I look good all the time. I really like to know that," I said.

I sat nervously in the green room, waiting for my turn to be interviewed on national television. I fidgeted with my tie, my mind racing with thoughts of what I would say. I took deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves, knowing that my reputation and personal life were about to be scrutinized by millions of viewers.

The host introduced me, and I walked out on stage, shaking hands with the host and taking a seat.

"Congratulations, Henri, you have been named one of the top CEOs in the country. I'm sure many people are curious about your personal life. Can you tell us more about your relationship status?" the host asked.

I smiled and responded, "Well, I'm not seeing anyone special right now. I'm just exploring life and enjoying all the beauty that comes with being who I am."

"I see. It sounds like you're living quite the life. But do you ever see yourself settling down and starting a family?" the host asked.

I paused for a moment and glanced towards Rylee backstage. "Honestly, my life is too complicated for something like that right now. But who knows what the future holds?"

"Congratulations on becoming a father, Henri. That's quite the surprise. Can you tell us more about that?" the host said.

I smiled and responded, "Thank you. Yes, it was definitely unexpected, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My son, Dash, is just the best."

The host then made a playful comment about my relationship status, and I laughed it off.

"That's wonderful to hear, Henri. And for all the ladies out there listening, does this mean you're officially off the market?" the host said, jokingly.

I chuckled and responded, "Well, you hear that, ladies? You still have a chance with this hotshot."

"It sounds like you're still enjoying the single life. But in all seriousness, how has being a father affected your personal life?" the host asked.

I smiled and said, "It's definitely been an adjustment, but it's also given me a new perspective on life. I want to be the best father I can be for my son."

After the interview, Rylee and I had a conversation about my comment. She expressed her hurt and disappointment, and I apologized for my insensitive remarks. I realized that I didn't want to hurt Rylee and was ready to show her how much I cared for her.

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