Chapter 36

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In the heart of a bustling house, Rylee was deep in conversation with Blair and Camille, her co-conspirators for the day. Surrounded by multi-colored balloons, streamers, and sparkling decorations, the home had been transformed into a festive wonderland overnight. They were planning a surprise birthday party for Henrie, their laughter and excitement filling the house. His mother, Meredith, was also part of the team, her loving touch visible in every aspect of the heartfelt preparations. The scent of freshly baked cake wafted from the kitchen, and the sound of popping champagne corks punctuated their chatter. Photographs of Henrie, showcasing moments from his life, were scattered around, adding a personal touch to the decorations. Rylee, Blair, and Camille frequently checked their list, ensuring no detail was overlooked for the perfect surprise birthday.

Camille, her eyes sparkling with excitement, turned to Rylee, "Are you ready for Henrie's surprise? He is going to cry, I bet!"

Blair chimed in, her voice mirthful, "That will definitely get him, along with the day you walk down the aisle and become his bride!"

Rylee laughed, holding out her hand to display the promise ring that adorned her finger, "I hope he cries, but as long as he loves it, I'm happy. And well, I'd have to be proposed to before that can happen. This is just a promise ring!"

Camille's eyes softened, "I'm so happy how close all three brothers have gotten."

Rylee lets out a relief sigh "It makes it so much easier to keep Henrie busy when Andre and Kleo are there, he doesn't grow suspicious."

As the day proceeded, Rylee excused herself to get ready for the impending surprise. She found herself enveloped in the caring assistance of Camille and Blair who devoted themselves to helping her look her absolute best. Their meticulous attention to her outfit, hair, and makeup was a testament to their deep bond. Together, they transformed a routine preparation into an intimate affair, their laughter and conversation echoing through the house, a harmonious testament to their shared anticipation and excitement.

As the time for Henrie's arrival neared, the house was buzzing with a mix of excitement and anticipation. The guests had started to arrive, filling the house with warm greetings and laughter. Family, friends, cousins, and Rylee's parents all gathered, their presence adding to the joyous occasion. They admired the beautifully decorated house, complimenting Rylee on her efforts and attention to detail.

The lights were turned off, casting the house into shadows and amplifying the sense of suspense. Everyone found a place to hide, their whispers and stifled giggles adding to the palpable anticipation that filled the air. The clock ticked closer to the designated time, and the suspense grew. Everyone was in position, waiting for the guest of honor to arrive.

Finally, the moment arrived. Henrie, unsuspecting, walked into the house. As he stepped inside, the lights flicked on, and a chorus of "Surprise!" filled the room. The look of surprise and delight on his face was priceless. Rylee, holding their son, Dash, ran up to him. "Happy Birthday, baby!" she exclaimed. Dash, in his tiny voice, echoed, "Happy birthday, dad!"

The night was full of joy, conversations, laughter, and heartfelt moments.

As the night wore on, Rylee decided it was time to give Henrie his gift. She went upstairs to fetch it, but when she returned, Henrie was nowhere to be found. She began to ask around, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Right over there," Blair pointed, and Rylee thanked her before making her way towards the indicated direction.

On her way, she stopped to talk to her parents, sharing a warm moment of love and gratitude.

As Rylee chatted with her parents, her mother gently squeezed her hand, "Darling, you've done wonderfully. This party is beautiful."

Rylee blushed, hugging her parents tightly, "I just hope he likes the surprise. He means the world to me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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