Chapter 27

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"We're packing up the car to head to Andre's beach house, and I'm waiting for Dash to finish eating before we head out," I say to my son.

"I missed you this week. Did you have fun with Mom?" I ask.

"Yeah, it was extra cool because she stayed home from work all week," he says.

"Why? Is she alright?" I ask, getting worried.

"She's okay," he tells me, "but she's been sick for the last month, I think. But this week she did throw up. I remember it was disgusting," Dash says, laughing.

"Oh, I bet she's lucky she had you to make her feel better," I say, ruffling his hair and getting up to finish getting something.

Rylee has been sick for the last month and threw up. I'm no doctor, but I'm not stupid. At that exact moment, Kleo and his family show up on my driveway since we're carpooling together.

"Hey, brother, ready to go to the beach?" Kleo says.

"Hi, Uncle Henrie. Where's Dash?" Rome asks.

"Hey, Henrie. Good to see you," Camille says, giving me a hug.

"Hey, guys, and hey, Rome. Dash is in the kitchen waiting for you," I say, hugging him, and Camille joins him.

"What's up with you? You look bummed. You love the beach," Kleo says.

"I mean, other than the fact that the woman I love hates my guts, let's add on I'm pretty sure she's pregnant with my child, hasn't told me, proceeds to date other fuckers even though I ruin it each and every time, and I will continue and still won't acknowledge that I fucked up and want her so bad. So you tell me, brother," I say, sighing and slumping on the floor steps.

"That's a pretty big thing to assume that she's pregnant without telling you, and how did you find out?" Kleo asks.

"Well, she asked if she could have Dash for the whole week, and I mean, she's his mother, so no problem. And Dash says he had a great time since she didn't go to work, and Rylee never asks for days off. He says she's been sick for a month, but she definitely threw up in front of him this week. And I'm no doctor, Kleo, but doesn't it sound like it to you?" I explain.

"I don't know, man. It could be anything. Maybe she ate something bad or got a stomach bug. You're jumping to conclusions," Kleo responds.

"I know, but I just have this feeling, you know? And it's not just that. She's been distant and avoiding me lately. It's like she doesn't want anything to do with me. I don't know what to do," I say, feeling defeated.

"Well, have you tried talking to her about it?" Kleo asks.

"Of course I have, but she just shuts me down every time. I don't know how to get through to her," I reply, feeling helpless.

"It sounds like you need to give her some space and let her come to you when she's ready. You can't force her to talk to you if she doesn't want to," Kleo advises.

"I know, you're right. It's just hard, you know? I want to be there for her and our kids. I want to be together, but she's adamant she doesn't want me around," I say, feeling frustrated.

"I hear you, man. But sometimes, you just have to let things play out. You never know, she might come around when she's ready," Kleo reassures me.

"I have to be honest with you, Kleo. I am ruining her dates on purpose," I confess to Kleo, looking down at my feet.

Kleo looks at me in surprise, "What? Why would you do that?"

I take a deep breath before I start explaining, "Because Rylee should only be with me. And the reason we broke up was because I didn't announce our relationship on my interview and played like a playboy with different women. I made it seem like Rylee and I were just great friends and co-parents. But the truth is, we were much more than that."

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