Part 12

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"No plz let go, don don't come near please.. Don't touch me.. Aah it's pain don't hurt me plz dad daddy..

Shoving everyone away, she yelled frantically her cries were to loud that even the patients from close wards grew uneasy. The hospital staff, assembled around her ward even aware of patient state, they couldn't help but grew dishearten.

"Si Siya.. Calm down.. Look it's Dad here.. I'm here stop hurting yourself..

Even being hit by the glass thrown towards him by her, he didn't stop approaching her. Try calling her out, but ironically the men she was calling for help fail to instil sense of familiarity in her. To her the face the voice doesn't register to her brain.

"Dad help plz save no don't touch me.. Just kll me It's dad help.."

"Mr Agnihotri, this is.. Risky please be out.."

"No, I'll deal you all may leave..

Rejecting the advise of Doctor, Mr Agnihotri wiped his tears with the back of palm and walked further, And soon enough he hold onto her.

"Daddy daddy please save me... Let me go please don't touch me..let goooo..

"Shh I'm here your daddy is here Siya hear me Out my child."

His voice made her more aggressive, as she begin to scarath snd where's Riya realising something immediately pulled out her phone then played a tune. Making her grow still, it was a song sang by their mother day before she died. But then she started crying pleading to her mother.

"Momma momma..Help Daddy didn't help he didn't hear me..he didn't help.

She struggle further to reach out to the voice, but Mr Agnihotri didn't release her, the Dr then inserted the Syringe in her arm, which made her stop fighting for while but Continue to mumble for all to hear.

"He didn't help, I was In car before him..he didn't hear me...he didn't help one did.."

The nurse standing around broke in tears to, this was to heartbreaking, Riya fall on her knees where's Mr Agnihotri went numb hearing his daughter complain.

"He he whipped me, he touched me, he hurts me Momma.. And dad didn't help daddy didn't hear no one did.."

Mumbling this Repeatedly, she fainted, the Doctor motion Mr Agnihotri to lay her on bed. To which he obliged however refused to let go of her. Hence sighing inwardly the Doctor brief him further about her state.

"She's traumatized, hurt, lost, disappointed and most importantly scared she need care and experts help to get over this..

"Doctor why she didn't react to Dad?..

"She's scared, not in state to differentiate between present and past phase.. It would've been better if she hasn't seen him but her culprit..

Understanding his words, Riya nodded then glance at her father who didn't speak a word since he heard her speak. She could understand how hard it's for him to hear, that he was just distance away. While that Ba**d brutally hurted his daughter.

"Dad.. Don't lose yourself, she's just..

"It's said that kids do good or bad it's reflect their parents upbringing.."


"I'm sorry that I failed in mine, I failed to teach you both to protect yourself."

"No Dad you didn't... Don't blame yourself Dad please..

Embracing her Father from behind Riya mumbled to him. Glancing at her sister, who seems to be in extreme pain even in unconscious state. She wiped her tears then prayed inwardly for her Sister's speedy recovery, strength for her father to stay calm.

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