Part 28

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"Yes Sir, how can I help you today..

Sitting on chair, he comes straight to point not knowing how big a blow it'll be on the Principal. Even if he did, he didn't cared as it it didn't matter to him.

"Um, I'd like to take that kid out for couple of hours..

"Pardon, which Kid Sir?..

"The one who answer my question at event..

The Principal frowned in disbelief, it's clear he's aware what he's demanding isn't possible to fulfil. Yet the calmness of him made her feel threatened.

"Sir I don't mind calling her.. But classes are going on an..

"One day skipping class won't harm...

He retorted calmly but trace of Impatience could've been clearly detected with the way he looks around. However If the Principal was surprised by his unexpected visit, then his demand threw her off guard. How as Trustee he won't know the rule and regulations?. That they can't let the kid out with anyone else expect the kids parents or guardian.

"Sir it's against I.. I mean her parents..

"Then tell them I'm one who took her surely they won't mind..

"But Sir..

"You're going to call or...

"Yes sure... I..

Wiping the perspiration from her face, she Pressed the bell and summon the peon and instructed him to call Aadhya from her class.

"Molning Mam.."

"Ah child come here, see who's here to meet you.."

Aadhya who barely step her foot inside the cabin looked bewildered. When she was called by Peon to Principal cabin. She expect some surprise from her Mom or grandpa for second she got scared too. But never for once she thought she's called in cabin due to the big guy who didn't gave her Prize.

"Hello Sil.."

"Hello, You remember me?..

"Yes Sil.. You owe me my Plize.."

"Yes, so here I'm, to give your prize.."

Listening this her eyes lit up in joy, she glanced around with her head raised but didn't saw anything which may look like a prize, So she asked straightforwardly.

"Lhen whele is il?"

"Not with me, you'll have to accompany me to get one.."

"Bul you'le sllangel il's nol lighl lo go wilh you.."

"Your principal knows me, if she permits you can come with me.."


"Huh why?..

"Momma lold me, even if leachel say lhen lo I shouldn'l go oul wilh pelson who's sllangel lo lhem.."

"How about we give call to your Parents? If they agree will you come?..

"Yes if only lhey aglee.."

Sighing he look back at the Principal, who was staring at both with bewildered expression. However once his gaze fell on her, she immediately open the file of Aadhya which has her Mother's Number.

"Call GlandPa.. Momm Will be busy.."

Saying this she pass her a chit, which has her Grandpa and Aunt's number, here Principal was busy calling her Grandpa but he was busy gazing at the little bundle with curious and amused smile. Usually he won't take no for an answer, nor he'll wait or put effort to convince anyone himself. However in front of her, he couldn't even act sternly Ironically he felt light headed.

Scarred SoulDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora