Part 39

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Staring at the view of city, while standing behind glass window of his cabin. He turn around, hearing the news of his men's failure. It was quite surprising for him, to realise his men could lose track of their target so easily when the person isn't capable of outsmarting them.

"We've been chasing her, but perhaps she..

"Did you check Surveillance?..

He asked ignoring their defeated embarrassing frightful expression and explanation. Without averting his gaze from the outside view. Which was making it hard for his men to understand he's angry or not.

"We did Sir, but it's seem someone got her tracks erased.."

"Get lost.."

He didn't asked any further, only one person could've interested in erasing her tracks. Who's none either than Samrat Singh Rathor, after minute of silence he asked from his Assistant. Who was standing besides the desk awaiting his further instructions.

"Did they change their whereabouts?..

"Not yet Sir..

"Any way for us?

"No, Due to high tech security system trespassing isn't easy..

And permission won't be granted either, he thought to himself, though he hates to admit he couldn't deny the fact, that Samrat Singh Rathor is step ahead of him everytime. What he think, or about to do, isn't easy for others to predict for him. But perhaps Samrat, he's one and only men out there, who could see through him like Mirror.

"Hm, find his whe..

He couldn't finish as his cabin door opened and his PR manager stepped inside with worried expression. Showing his IPad screen he brief him.

"Sir, there's emergency you need to see this...

At first Abhimaan was angry, but then observing tense expression of his PR manager, he looked at the Ipad screen. When the landline placed on table buzzed as his Assistant receive it on his behalf.

"Sir, you're summoned by IG at his Police Headquarter..

Without lifting his eyes off from screen Abhimaan stood up from chair, what's happening didn't bother him as much the info of being summoned by Officer.

"Suppress this as much you can..

He instructed the PR manager then walked out of there. With his assistant, unlike outside the silence within office, was enough to convey his staff is yet to know about the scandalous crisis outside.

"Sir Let's take back route, paparazzi is out at front.."

He didn't spoke just nodded and was escorted out by his Assistant through back path. He knew all this done by Samrat, hence nothing he do will be enough to turn wild tides on his favour yet. Sitting in car, he watch the crowd of Paparazzi who had surrounded his Office building like ants crawl up on piece of sweet. Ignoring it, he look down at his phone screen which was showing Incoming call, Which he ignored and swipe on gallery.

"I've called Kabir.. He'll deal with legal matter Sir..

Listening this he nodded but didn't reply anything, which made his assistant curious, henceforth he look behind at his boss. Only to find him gazing at phone screen in daze. He parted his lips to speak, but stop by thr vibration of his phone. Picking it up he found it to be from their PR manager. And what he heard was left him speechless.

"Don't don't dare to approach me..

Astonished by his action of discarding her concern of forbidding her from approaching to tend his hand. Which was injured, she gazed up at him in frown.

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