Part 41

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"How this.. Why?.

He didn't reply, watching her weeping he offered his handkerchief while sitting on wooden chair. Not because he no longer care about her, but because he can't do anything anymore for her.

"He plan to divorce me Abhiman..

Wiping her tears with handkerchief offer by him. She convey what her husband plan to do, after learning about him and her father's deed.

"If he doesn't intent to go bankrupt, he won't abandoned you..

"No you don't understand he...

"Even if I do.. What you think I can do from here?..

He retorted calmly, making her gaped at him like fish without water. But then nodded in understanding, Even after what was offer to her, she couldn't bring it in herself to help her brother in anyway. There'll be nothing left of her if her husband abandoned her too.

"Did father really...


"I'm sorry I'm so sorry that I..

She felt guilty, no wonder Abhiman didn't liked her father. It's not surprising why Samrat their aunt's son hates them. The sin of elders weren't enough that even they committed sin to achieve their own selfish goal.

"What's going to happen to us? Now you.. Our business And..

"Frankly speaking I don't know...

"Can we even hope for good?..

"Perhaps... If not then pray..


"Don't come here again.. It's not suitable for you..

Saying this he stood up and turned his back to her. To women he vow to protect to cherish since the first news of her existence reach him. And today he alienate her, like she doesn't matter to him. But he's doing it cause he know at present her association will bring nothing but trouble for her.

Dressed in formal white shirt, with hands cuffed he stepped out of Cop vehicle. Only to get surrounded by paparazzi, who was lurking outside court to cover the news of allegations against him. With assistance of cops he manage to evade the media and get inside the court.

"I'd like to have word with her..

The constable heard him with frown then convey his message to His senior who glared at him. But approach the other party to ask her and soon enough he saw her approaching him.

"I don't fear living in prison.. But I don't want her to know.. So withdraw your case...

Avoiding meeting her gaze, he spoke the words audible only to her. Even though he could feel the burning gaze on his back. And he needn't to turn in order to learn who the gaze belong to.

"Don't act like you care.. My daughter has nothing to do with you..

"She's my blood.. I've every right to think and care..

"Then I'll strip you off from your rights on her..

"Why don't you just burry the past for her sake?

"With you on my back like leech can't do that..

"Think about our daughter once.. She doesn't deserve this..

"Right, she doesn't deserve evil like you in her life..

Saying this she walked towards her Lawyer Presha Rathor, who was engage in her file. Any other time he would've threaten her, but he knew this time it won't favour him. Soon the the Jury arrived the hearing begin and cause they're the one to filed case they got first to speak.

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