Part 21

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"Mrs Rawat what you did wasn't right, you'd realise five minutes delay and..

The doctor stop speaking on watching the men stepping inside ward. Who's gaze was cold, face was stern and void of emotion. He wanted to say more, but on the dismissive wave of his hand the Doctor walked out with nurse.

"Life is joke to you isn't it?.. My which Sin's punishment you are hm?..

Instead of being concern he mocked her, as He gritted while speaking each word, not caring how it could disheartened the person laying on hospital bed.

"What are you saying Sahil..

"Do you wants me to die along with you then only you'll get peace?

"No that's not, At least you should understand I'm..

"By giving up your life, our child won't survive dammit.."

He was angry, and didn't bother masking his rage, even though aware of mental trauma she's facing. Cause of their only child's critical health. Which pushed her to take extreme step of giving up her life.

"Then what should I do?.. With all the power and money to I can't stop my..

"Is it to hard to understand what as parents we should do for our child?..

"I'm sorry I just.. Couldn't endure his suffering.."

"Do you think I'm having fun watching my son's suffering?..

"I just wanted to..

"Die, if you're eager to die.. Then I'll help you, no need to play hard.."


"But before that tell your brother, I or my family isn't responsible for your will to die.. Incase in rage he ruin us.."

Saying this he walked out of ward, in rage he was tired of her actions. And it was absolutely clear with the way he had conversation with her.

"Sir, the Doctor has summon you to his cabin..

Stopping on his way, he sighed then turn around and walked towards the Doctors cabin. Instead of visiting his premature born son, who was battling to live in one of hospital ward.

"Dad calm down.." She'll be fine.."

Alok nodded, it's not his second time being in hospital, while the most important person in his life battling to give birth to little one. But each time he felt tremendously helpless, cause he can't be inside with the person going through extreme torture.

"There's no complication, don't worry."

Riya tried to comfort her father, who seems to be shaking cause of stress. Even though he's trying best to keep calm. She admired her father, for being strong for them, for having their back. Even though it made him endure allot, he didn't give up, weeping from within but smiling for them so The two of them will feel fine.

"Congratulations you've been blessed with Granddaughter.."

"See told you I'm going to get Granddaughter..

"Doctor how's my Sister?

"Both Mother and child are healthy and fine.."

"Thank you, Doctor thank you so much..

"Can we meet them?..

"Sure a hour later..

Feeling relieved, Alok thanked the doctor numerous times. Then waited eagerly to see his daughter and Grand-daughter. And after hour of anxiousness and eagerness, he finally get chance to see them only to watch Siya weeping while glancing at the Baby girl laying besides her on bed.

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