Part 38

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Watching her on verge of losing sense, he ask in order to distract her from having a mental break down. Hw couldn't help feeling sick at the irony of circumstances where he's reason for her pain yet don't desire to witness her expressing her pain.

"So what's your Decision?..

Her gaze snapped open at his direction, Why she need to make decisions according to his whims? What gives him the power to dictate her life like this? Or even demand anything after ruining her without her fault? Just being rich Influential authority of him, gives him right to torment lives of other's? If she accept what'll become of her? Won't this become rule where he'll dominate her to his content. And she'll have to submit? And why she should do that? For what? Your Daughter. Her conscience reminded her firmly Making her winch inwardly. However she realised it's pointless to even Submit For her daughter's sake too. A men who couldn't bother about other's daughter's Dignity and their happiness cannot be idol for his own.

"NO, nor I'll marry you, Neither I'll let you become part of my daughter's life.

"You're free to try, but you cannot stop me, if I've made up my mind.."

"You've escaped your punishment in past, therefore you've gotten this misconception, that you can force me to submit, but you're wrong I won't..

His gaze linger on her face, as she match his gaze courageously, he could witness the Loath in her gaze, which she didn't attempt to hide. And why she'll? From what he see, there's nothing she left to lose anymore. Sighing he focused on her words then raised a brow at her.

"Be rational, I've every right, to be in her life she's my daughter as much she's yours.." She's our daughter.."

"Instead of having of Rapist father, it'd be better to remain fatherless

"Siya Agnihotri..

"Yelling my name can't alter the truth." Regardless of who you are, or what you're capable of..

She said that without fearlessly, looking straight in his eyes, the Eyes she adore and detest at same time. Adore cause her daughter possess similar pair of eyes and detest cause it's belong to her tormentor.

"Is that your final decision?..

"Yes, I'll do all in my power to fight you..

"There Is no prohibition on Battling with me but beware it's lead to defeat.

She didn't reply just turn around to leave, but his men stood on her way. She glared at them but they glanced at their boss then step out of her way. Which made her frown for second, but she didn't look behind at him. It was unexpected for her to see him let her go. But she didn't spare much of thoughts, knowing it's just beginning, there's lot she need to do in order to get free from him. Hence she walked, out without delaying any further. Where's Abhimaan just stared at her retreating back, then glance at his men who nodded at him and followed her out.

"Sir you um let her go?

"I suppose, that's what it looks like..

His assistant stared at him in bewilderment , "Looks like? Isn't that true? The women he made all of them look for her like insane. He met finally only to talk for few minutes and then let her go. He shook his head at the unpredictable personality of his boss.

Driving rashly just to get the Dog's off her back. She lost her path, however on stopping the car she felt sense of familiarity with place. Hence she stepped out and looked over it. A park, in front of Villa, which seems isolated however upon stepping inside she was shocked to see the appearance. As it was looking no less than park which is gotten care in best way. However ignoring all the beauty of park, she Walked towards a tree which was one of oldest tree in entire park, reaching near she saw deep heart with Bow pierced shaped engraving over it. She raise her hand to dust over the Engraving only to reveal sight of Bold letters
(♡"SIYA 's SAMRAT"♡)
tears welled up in her eyes, as she recall her childhood. When she found a friend in form of helpless stranger. Feeling of nostalgia hit her harder, than the pain caused by her Tormentor. As she closed her eyes her hands curled in fist over the name on tree. SAMRAT as soon the name rolled out on her tongue, she felt minty breath tickling the back of her nape. She opened her eyes, at unfamiliar fragrance and presence she turn around. Only to let out a shriek in shock and leant against the tree. On watching a Men hovering behind her with one arm distance. He was Clad in Navey Blue tuxedo, gazing at her with his deep set of hooded blue eyes, his aquiline nose, firmly pressed Bow shaped tender lips. Few strands of hair fall on his forehead making him look devilishly handsome. He radiated aura of familiarity to her, making her go silent in daze as she looked at him With wet eyes. No words were exchange as they both gazed at each other in silence. As if their gaze was having conversation and they don't intent to interfere.


Hm, as soon he hm in reply, she threw herself in his arms. He didn't raise his arms to hug her, nor he said a word to comfort her as she broke into sob in his arms, and he Just let her cry and take lead of doing whatever she felt like. He was busy in meeting with client, when he recieve report on Abhimaan meet with Siya Agnihotri. And wordlessly he left the meeting in mid to meet her.

"I'm sorry.. I've almost.. I'm sorry..

Choking on her words she try to apologize, but failed miserably. Where's Samrat just gazed at the engraving on Tree as much he wanted to speak to her. He found himself tongue tied in her presence.

"I've lot to tell you, you you know I've a um I mean I..

Pulling herself back, she try to speak again to brief him about her daughter, her life , but stopped at the gaze of him. Which was fixed over the engraving, only to realize she cannot tell him that she's ruined. That she almost forgotten him, and accepted to marry men of her father's choice. That until today, she haven't thought of him for once. She felt ashamed at her selfish self, on realising if not for losing her path, and coming here. She won't have got any memory of him. But before she could muster courage to speak, sound of cellphone ringing distracted her, She look at him only to see him gazing at her phone. She look at the screen watching her father's call. She informed him without looking up at him.

"I need to le..

She sush up due to finger placed on her parted lips. She look at him he was gazing at her with warmth in eyes. Which was to severe to ignore, she felt flustered under his Touch. But hearing his words she gasp in surprise.

"With me.."

"I can't, not anymore..

She exclaimed guiltily, as His brow furrow in curiousity at her statement, where's she breath sharply in order to speak her mind.

"I've Daughter.."

Listening the mention of Aadhya Agnihotri, he stared mutely at her. Not naive to not understand why she mention her daughter. He mention about his Son remorselessly with trace of Joy.

"Even I've son..

Tears welled up in her eyes, listening his words. As she assumed he move on in his life, of course why he'll wait upon someone who let go of him years back? It's selfish of her to even feel bad, when she never offered or promised anything to him. Yet she felt sharp pain in her heart, thinking someone got blessed with treasure of his love. Though he watched her state, and was aware of what she thought, but he didn't clarify anything to her.


"No Samrat, you don't get it.. We can't we aren't mea..

"We've kids, not partner.. So how it's matter of concern?

"How do you..

"I learn, lot more than you do.. Come, I believe there's lot to share..

Listening this she nodded in agreement, there was indeed lot to share. But she wasn't certain it's right to go with him or not, cause he look allot different then the way she knew him as. Not only by looks, personality, but by lifestyle too. She sneak glance at him as he gazed ahead while taking firm steps.

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