Part 20

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"You'd realise, it Wont be easy to finish all these books..

"Of course..."

Watching the large book-shelf filled with all kinds of books to nurture a person to grown as broad minded Brave with positive approach towards life.

"You know we don't know the gender of..

"It doesn't matter.. There's nothing to change cause of gender in this.."

"But Sis this is..

"It's said a kid learn quite lot from Mother's womb.. We have example of it from past like Prince Abhimanyu or Prince Prahlad.."

"That's right but.."

"What's there to but about? A kid should be aware of Humanity and morals right and wrong.."

"Still it's quite to soon..

"No one knows what tomorrow hold, beside at present I'm just bowing seeds of interest in the child..

Riya realised there's no point of discussion, as her elder sister already decided what and how she's going to raise the child.

"Alright, um I was wondering don't you want to know about him or punish him?..

"No cause That's useless, as nor I can achieve justice neither I intent for revenge so let the bygones be gone...

"Then why you're looking over decisions taken by judiciary?..

Looking up from the articles and statements, Siya inhale sharply, she had mixed emotion. She saw and read news before too, but never really thought much about the news more than hours. But being victim herself she felt like a part of all survivors and victims. Who not only faced brutality at hands of monsters but unjust from society too.

"I don't know why I'm looking at all this.. When I know I can..

" It's ok, let that be.."

"That's only thing I can't do, and with this I'll never able to.."

Pointing towards her belly she retorted, there was no trace of resentment. But it obviously a bitter truth, that she'll never be able to move on from her brutal past anymore.

"I yes, but.."

"It's quite ironical isn't it? He's out free, living Remorselessly without any hurdle and I..

"Who know sis, he might be suffering already?..

" I doubt that.. People like him hurt other they don't get hurt themselves."

"Faith Sis, Have faith in God.. It won't let his devotee live with unjust.."

"That's what I'm doing, by having faith.."

"Good, now take rest... Or you'll tire your kid only.."

Riya decided to leave to give her time to rest. It's like a routine, both father daughter duo taking care of her in every way possible. Without letting her feel any negative thought about her circumstances. Making her feel her child is welcome and wanted expressing clearly the child will be loved. Irrespective of what cause the birth of child.

"Happy Birthday Danish...

Toasting him wine, She congratulated him, only to earn a faint smile from him as he replied.

"Thanks Naina..

"What? I'm observing you're not Happy nowadays!. Why?..

Taking sip of her wine, she asked calmly glancing around at the suite. With him the issue is instead of going home, or penthouse he rather stay at one of his hotel.

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