Part 31

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"Make sure to Leave no loophole.. I don't want to lose another project to that Rathor.."

Signing the paper he commanded harshly, only to earn a satisfactory response from his Secretary. Who seems to be extremely tired.

"Sure sir..

"And yes, Any report on people who stalked me today?..

"Not yet Sir, but our men's are looking into this..

"Well then, any step taken by her?

"Yes she asked for further investigation about the girl..

"Hm alright, that's all for now, you can call a night..."

The Secretary nodded and was about to walk out but stop by the call on phone. Which was from Head Assistant, he immediately passed the phone to him.

"Sir we've tracked the location, Perhaps by morning you'll see her.."

Hearing the words of his assistant he couldn't restrain himself from grinning. As he replied back to let them know how well they'll be treated, If they really achieve their goal.

"Great then you'll be rewarded Extremely well.."

Cutting the call, he finished the leftover wine within one long sip. Then passed the phone to Secretary and dismiss him, From his suite along with all the work, Then stared out at the sky.

"My Only Desire, My Obsession."

He breath out each word, as his mind made him recall the day when he felt content by body, by heart and mind. But grew deprived of peace after wards. The day which remembrance made him, incapable of facing his own reflection in mirror at present. He could never ever confess to anyone, that known to be remorseless, heartless men like him. Could ever yearn for someone and regret his action to the point of becoming insomniac. However he was soon out of his thoughts due to sound of whisper from out. He look back then walked In, only to watch his assistant standing with PI. His gaze wondered behind them, but not seeing the one he waiting for made him look back at the fallen face of his men. Who seem to convey the usual past results which is nothing but Failure. However unlike before instead of being furious, he was curious.

"How's it possible to lost track of her within hours of you finding it?..

"We don't know Sir, but when we reach the family wasn't there.."


"Yes Sir, by the sight of nothing, it's seems they left with no aim to return..

"What about the schooling of kid? Their job?..

"The school authority here received leave application on Aadhya Agnihotri..

The name made him stop on his track, as he look up at the Men none of his words register to his brain. Except the sight of his moving lips, getting hold onto him, but dreading to receive confirmation he asked.

"Repeat the name..

"Who's sir?..

"Her daughter's.."

"Sir, Aadhya Agnihotri her daughter.. She studied at..

"Wings Heritage isn't it? Her Grandfather Hotel owner, Her Aunt is am Astronaut.. And mother Automobile designer huh.."

The PI shares glance with assistant who was looking at them too undoubtedly the info was given in file before. So surely he know but the way he's saying make it seems there's more to it.

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