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“Then I discovered that being related is no guarantee of love!”
Stieg Larsson


        THE CHATTERING AND laughter were echoing in his room. It was more like they were in the next room when in fact, they were below him. But it didn't do justice to the annoying sound. It only adds to his irritation. He tried ignoring it and blocking the sound but it was pointless. The chattering got louder so was the laughter. And the most annoying part of it was that he could hear them even through the music he was playing in the room.

The more they chatted and laughed, the angrier he got. It was so so annoying. Someone who hears them will believe they are the most beautiful and happy family ever when in fact they were just bunches of hypocrites.

He shut his eyes as he exhaled in frustration. Then he stood up from the bed and went to turn the music he was playing to the highest volume. The whole room began to vibrate from the loud music blaring from the speaker.

A smile of satisfaction spread across his face. That way he couldn't hear the annoying laughter and voices. Then he went back to his bed.

With his back on the bed, he closed his eyes, immersing himself in the music in the room. There weren't many things to do in the house. It was empty in there. He hated everything in the house. Everything in it irks him so much. And he felt like a hostage in the house where it was supposed to be called a home.

His music Playlist was the only thing keeping him sane. God knows he would have gone insane if not for the music. It was his only companion in the huge house aside from his closet of course. But even the closet didn't bring the joy he always have when he opens it. Something was missing. But there was nothing he could do. He let out another heavy sigh.

Continuous banging sound could be heard through the music that was blaring in the room. It wasn't the music. That he was certain about. He flickered his eyes open as the banging sound continued. It took a while for him to realize that it was the door to his room that someone was hitting so hard. His forehead creased in a frown. There was only one person he could think of to do such a thing.

Reluctantly, he sat up on the bed and he picked the remote beside him, he tuned down the volume of the speaker. Then he went over to the door with a frown still on his face.

With a frown, he opened the door and he was greeted by the smiling face of his major pestilence in the house. His frown deepened.

"You're asked to come downstairs." She said with her big smile.

He didn't return the smile. "Why? I'm not needed there."

"Grandpa says it is time for lunch and you should come down."

He heaved a sigh and he nodded. "Fine, I have heard you. You can leave now." He motioned toward the hallway.

The little girl did not budge instead she asked. "Can I come into your room?" She asked with doe eyes as she tried looking behind him to get a view of his room.

He hissed loudly, then he slammed the door to her face.

"Pest." He muttered to himself after shutting the door on the young girl face. Then he went to sit back on his bed.

A lot of things crossed his mind. He didn't want to leave his room. It was his personal space more like his safe haven. But he have to be forced to go face some of his nightmare. He was about to go face an hour or two of insult, pretense and insatiable family. The mere thought of it was making his head ache. He shut his eyes and he tried to think of something that makes him so happy. That was his remedy when he have to face his so called family.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz