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"The heart has reasons that reason cannot know."
-Lucas Scott.


                 SHE RAN TO the bathroom and from the entrance of the bathroom she could hear the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. For a second she thought that she had been worried for nothing. He was probably having a shower.

But that was strange.

Strange in the sense that his room won't be in that mess if he was going to the bathroom. Neither would the room be so eerily quiet. Hamid was an addict when it comes to music. He listens to music at any time, anywhere and everywhere. And he doesn't just play it. He loves his music to be deafening especially when he is alone where no one can complain or disturb him. He was like Jedekaih in that aspect.

So when he bathes, most of the time his music player is working, booming in the whole room so that it would be loud enough to resonate in the bathroom.

But that wasn't the case at the moment.


"Hamid?" She called with a conflicted feeling and a frightened undertone in her voice.

Was he doing something else in the bathroom? He was an adult so she won't be surprised if that was the case. But then...

There were lots of but.

Then a low grunting sound came from the bathroom and she took two slow steps forward. The sound came again. It sounded like someone was in pain. And the next loud thud sound surprised her even more and this time she didn't hesitate any longer to pull the glass door open, running into the bathroom and pulling the curtain away, almost pulling the innocent rod down.

Her eyes doubled its size when they landed on the person on the floor of the bathroom. Her body froze in shock for a short second.

"Ha... Hamid." She whispered, blinking her eyes, trying to believe she was seeing things.

Hamid was sprawled on the bathroom floor, fully dressed like he had been earlier that day except the clothes were soaked from the water that was splashing from the shower that was running behind him.

She got no answer and that scared her more. Her heart was racing faster than it was supposed to be. Her hands had begun to shake and she was trying hard to be positive. 

Could he possibly be sleeping in the bathroom? Or was he meditating? She thought. Or is it a prank? Different thoughts ran through her mind as she stooped to his level on the ground; her hands shaking in fear, heart racing in her chest as she tried touching her brother's body that was laying next to the jacuzzi.

She jerks her hand away. Hamid's body was frozen and that had elicited that reaction. 

Standing up in speed, she turned off the water and return to his side and touched him again. He was so stone cold and even his face and lips were pale. And that made her eyes fly wide open in shock; her mind going into a frenzy.

Yasmine began tapping him quickly and harder, tears gathering behind her eyes, scared that something she did not know had happened to her brother. 

"Hamid, Hamid, Hamid, it's me. It's Yasmin. Common open your eyes. I don't like this kind of joke. Please stop it. HAMID." She finally yelled at top of her voice when he won't move; with tears already streaming down her eyes.

She was still trying to wake her brother while crying when she heard fast-approaching footsteps and Amir ran into the bathroom. He halted two feet from her, his tab in his hand.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now