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He drank his fifth coffee. He walked from place to place in the waiting room, occasionally running a hand through his thick, soft hair. It all took an awfully long time.

Every passing minute drew him more and more towards the imaginary bottom. He was starting to think about the nasty things that could happen. About the worst option. Fear ruled his whole body and he already wanted him to be all of it end.

,,Callum George?"

He immediately turned to the doctor's voice and waited for the next thing to come out of him. He had a very unreadable expression and that worried the blonde very much.

"In the end, the operation was much more complicated than we thought. The tumor grew and a few new ones formed. His lungs were badly damaged and-"

"Is he alive?"

He interrupted him and waited impatiently for an answer.

"Daniel is stabilized. But... it looks very bad. It's too late for treatment and with the number of tumors, he doesn't have much time left."

What his ears caught at the moment crushed his heart to pieces.

,,How long?"

He asked quietly, shocked, a few tears rolling down his eyelids.


Their imaginary rose was drooping... Because there was one thing Callum hadn't thought of. A withered rose cannot bloom again.

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