Chapter 4: Wolf Pup Party

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Dracula opened the door to a room and scurried in. Inside, Dennis was sound asleep in a race car bed.

"Rise and shine, my Denisovich." Dracula whispered softly.

Dennis blinked his eyes open. "Hi, Papa." He groggily replied.

"Hello, my little devil. Did you have sweet nightmares?"

"Uh-huh. I dreamed that I saw a stegosaurus."

"Oh...and we're you drinking his blood?" Dracula asked.


"Just throwing it out there." Dracula leaned on Dennis's bed. "Hey! You want to do something cool?"

"Yeah!" Dennis laughed.

Dracula picked him up and placed him on the ground. "I'm going to teach you how to turn into a bat. Like me."

Dracula turned into a bat to demonstrate and Dennis laughed. "Cool."

Dracula turned back. "Yes! Cool, like I said. Now you try."

"I'm a bat." Dennis exclaimed, flapping his arms and running around. "I'm a bat. I'm a bat. I'm a bat."

"I mean, a real bat."

"I'm a bat." Dennis repeated before blowing a raspberry.

"Denisovich. Take a breath. You can really turn into a bat. Try. Feel the bat."

Dennis bent his arms and started flapping his elbows.

"Not a chicken."

Dennis started moving his arms in a wave motion.

"What is that? The electric boogaloo? If I show you I can bust a move, will you try to fly, then?" Dracula bargained.


Dracula's cape flew off him and started cheering as Dracula started breakdancing in the middle of Dennis's room.

Dennis started doing his own cute little moves as well, and eventually they both started doing the worm.

"Dad? Why are you guys dancing?" Maven asked from the doorway, (Y/n) standing right next to him.

"Uh, he was sleep dancing?" Dracula shrugged.

(Y/n) picked up Dennis and carried him back to his bed. "Come on sweetie, back to bed."

"Back to bed? It's already after 8:00 pm."

"Don't you remember the new sleep schedule?" Maven asked, gesturing to a calendar on the wall. "He's going to human classes half the day."

"If he could just sleep until 2:00 am. tonight, it'd be so great for him." Maven explained.

"But, Mavey, six of Wayne's wolf pups are having a birthday party tonight. You wouldn't want him to miss that."

"Dad, I love the wolf pups, but they're a little too rough for Dennis." Maven said.

"Too rough?"

"Haven't you noticed? Dennis is different." Maven explained.

"What are you saying? Denisovich shouldn't be around monsters?"

"I love monsters! Video! Video!" Dennis cheered.


"Oh, you wanna show Papa Drac your monster video?" (Y/n) asked.

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