Chapter 8: Vampire Camp

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Griffin drove them down a dirt road surrounded by trees.

"This is gonna be good Denisovich. Scary stuff. It's in you." Dracula nervously patted Dennis's head. "We just gotta concentrate on the scary."

Dennis looks down nervously before asking Dracula a question. "Papa Drac, do you miss Grandma?"

"Miss Grandma? Oh. Sure I do. I miss her everyday. She was my Zing. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know." Dennis shrugged.

"Do you miss anybody?" Dracula smiled coyly.

"I miss Mommy and Daddy and Uncle Johnny."

"And who else? You miss that Winnie? The pup who tackles you and tries to lick you all the time?" Dracula smiled knowingly and began tickling Dennis.

"Yeah, but we're just friends." Dennis said.

"Oh, no, no, no. You're a Dracula. You can't just be friends with a cute, hairy number like Winnie."

Dracula's GPS beeped telling him to turn right. "Oh, right. Turn Griffin!"

"Yes, Papa Drac." Griffin made the turn down a dark road with dead trees and creepy fog.

"Wait and see fellas. This kid'll be guzzling goat blood in no time. Here we are. It's the vampire summer camp I went to as a kid."

"What is it? Camp Vamp?" Wayne asked.

"No. Who names their camp 'Camp Vamp?' Its Camp Winnepacaca." Dracula corrected.

They pulled up to the main lodge and they went through the building, and out the back to see dozens of vampire children walking around.

"You see, Denisovich? This is where I learned to catch mice and shapeshift. And use my incredible powers and strength. It's pretty cool. Huh?"

"Badminton." Dennis pointed to a couple of vampire kids who were playing badminton.

"Yes, I don't remember this badminting."

"Well, well, is this a night? How ya doing folks?" A camp counselor asked as he came up to them. "I'm Dana, the director. We're sure excited to have you legends visiting us. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I'm very interested in sending my grand boy, Denisovich, here." Dracula explained.

"Oh. This non-fangy little guy?"

"Oh, they're in there. He's a late fanger. That's why we came here. Can you show us some of the drills, like where they catch the mice?" Dracula asked.

"Can do. Of course now we call it Tee-Mousing."


Turns out, the mouse catching station was just a counselor placing a mouse into a tee ball stand and having the vampire kid run up and grab the mouse off of it.

Dracula looked at the display with shock and confusion. "So, they don't have to catch the mice?"

"Nope. We figured this is a good way to build their confidence." Dana explained.

One kid hesitantly approached the tee and started waving his hand at the mouse.

Dracula scowled and leaned down to the kid, and pointed at the mouse. "It's right there! What's the matter with you?!" He snapped.

The kid grabbed the mouse and ran off.



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