Chapter 13: Bat Battle

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"Dennis?" Maven called.

"Dennis!" Murray yelled.

"He's not in the room." (Y/n) reported.

"He's not by the pool." Wayne announced.

Frank finished gulping down some soup. "He's not in this pot of soup."

"Where could he be?" Dracula asked.

Maven turned to Vlad with an angry expression. "I don't know why I ever invited you."


Everyone ran out of the hotel, to search for Dennis. Dracula and Maven transformed into bats, and Maven lifted (Y/n) up into the air by her collar to carry her with him.

Vlad was the last one out of the hotel, and he paused and thought for a moment before realizing something. He shifted into a bat himself and flew off.


Back in the dark forest, Bela was laughing evilly as he held Dennis and Winnie by the collars.

"Stop squirming!" He yelled.

"Why are you doing this?" Dennis asked.

"Because this is wrong!" He screamed. "Why doesn't anybody get that? Humans don't belong with monsters."

"You're wrong!" Winnie told him.

"I am not! I am holding you hostage. And me and my crew are gonna tear that human-hugging hotel to shreds." He announced.

"You can't." Dennis said.

"Really? Why not?" Bela asked sarcastically.


"Cebause why?"

"Cebause it will make Papa Drac sad." Dennis whimpered.

"Ooh...sad. And what are you gonna do about it?" He mocked.

"I don't know..." Dennis admitted.

"You know why you don't know? Cebause you're just a weak...little...boy!" Bela laughed.

Winnie growled and bit Bela's had causing him to yell in pain and fling his arm, sending Winnie flying to the floor.

Winnie let out a whine and looked at her in shock. But that shock quickly turned to anger. Dennis furrowed his brows and clenched his tiny fists.

His eyes turned red, and two fangs popped out of his mouth, and he roared in Bela's face sending him flying back into a tree.

Bela's snarled and let out a loud growl to call for the rest of his bat crew.

Dennis helped Winnie up. "Are you okay Winnie?"

"Yes, my Zing." Winnie reassured him.

She then turned her head and let out a growl. Bela had picked up a rock and threw it at them. Dennis quickly rose into the air and punched the rock, shattering it. He then changed into a bat and began punching him in the face, even knocking a few teeth out.

Dracula, Maven and (Y/n) arrived at the scene and they all looked surprised and happy at the same time to see Dennis in action.

With one final punch, Dennis sent Bela flying back all the way into the tennis court, where he was pegged with several tennis balls.

Dennis transformed back and all the monsters and humans rushed over to him.


"There he is!"

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