Part 7

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"So you weren't a one that got the boot?"

"Nope.. guess I'm just lucky.." she tells her friend as they walk along the street of many stores.

"Can we look in here?" She asks her friend.

"What? Are you crazy?! There's nothing in there we can afford.." as she looked up to the name of the store.

"I'm treating myself.. I uh.. have been saving up so.."

"Saving up?! Some of the stuff in there could easily buy you a house!'

"Don't be so dramatic! Come on.." she dragged her friend in the store and browsed through the many expensive dresses and outfits.

"How about this one?" She picked up a beautiful red dress, she immediately thought to herself that Tony would like this one.

"Wow.. that's is.." her friend looks down holding the dress out.. "unreal.. and pricey.."

"Yeah.. I think I'll go try it on?"

"Girl? What the hell? How can you afford this?"

She smirked at her friend as she walked away to the fitting rooms

She looked at herself in the long mirror at the dress she now wore, smiling proudly of how she looked. How she felt. In a very long time she had confidence. To even wear something like this was very, out of the ordinary for a girl like her.

Maybe that is what being a Stark Girl is all about?

"What do you think?" She emerged from behind the curtain to show her friend. Her jaw dropped, eyes open wide at the sight she was looking at.

"Holy cow.. girl you.. look.. incredible.." her friend complimented her.

"Thank you.."

"Well whoever he is, is a very lucky man.." one of the workers told the two girls as she looked over to the two of them.

"Sorry?" Her friend looked back confused, "what? Who? What man?"

All she did was bite her lip into a little smirk, she knew she was caught.

"No one.. but glad it'll do.." she said as she went back behind the curtain.

"I'm buying it.." she told her friend.

"I need to know who the man is?" Her friend kept asking, throughout the rest of the shopping trip.

"Look... I'll tell you.. after Saturday night.. there's a funding benefit at my work, that's where I'll be wearing this dress, and if all goes well.. I'll be able to tell you who it is I've got my eye on..".

"Ugh fine.. but you better tell me.."

It was soon Saturday evening, her nerves creeping in. She was getting ready for the Stark Industries Party.

She didn't even know if Tony would be there, this was more for the workers, than the bosses. She hoped he would turn up.

Maybe this dress was a bit too much?

Maybe she was trying too hard?

Her mind often went back to changing into something a bit more.. normal for her..

She arrived at the venue, a big hotel where she was handed champagne as she entered the room where the party was being held.

The room was full of people that worked for Stark Industries, some she recognised, some she didn't. Some were with their partners, others dancing alone.

She made her way over to the dance floor where some of her work friends were stood.

"Care to dance?" A familiar voice was heard behind her. She turned to be greeted by Henry.

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